Pitching Power info w/video

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Jun 4, 2024

Reading through this like how it talks about where power can be generated from and importance of synchronizing it.
Thought there might be some useful info in that.
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May 28, 2023
Strength and power training are important for long-term athletic development and injury prevention, but is there a dividing line between a baseline level an athlete should maintain after which we wouldn't see good transfer of improvements to sports-specific outcomes?

This example is all made up, just for discussion. Let's assume we have a post-puberty female fastpitch pitcher who has been following a general strength program like the linked article with good progress on the exercises - she has been increasing her weights at the same effort level, so we can assume she is gaining strength and power. Pretend this player has the current following results:

Throws a 8 lb medicine ball rotationally for a set of 10 max-effort repetitions at an average speed of 25 MPH.
Currently has a fastball velocity of 52 MPH.

If this athlete over time and training allows her to increase med ball weight to:
Throws a 10 lb medicine ball rotationally for a set of 10 max-effort repetitions at an average speed of 25 MPH.
Should we expect the fastball velocity to increase? How much?

Or training allows her to increase med ball speed:
Throws a 8 lb medicine ball rotationally for a set of 10 max-effort repetitions at an average speed of 30 MPH.
Should we expect the fastball velocity to increase? How much?

I am a big fan of strength and power training and wish more middle school and high school athletes were following some type of regular program to build both. But similar to how I advise hitters who want to build bat speed to use a program of actual swings/hitting with overweight and underweight bats, should we think about pitchers who want to improve pitch velocity following a more pitching-velocity-specific training plan? How much should we trust claims that strength gains in non-pitching-specific movements will increase pitch velo?
Jun 4, 2024
@CoachBNC good read,
And important questions.

There are so many studies and feedback towards the topic you're sharing that it's possibly too much to be able to link all that here.

From that I will bring it down to more of individual Journeys. And look to other dfp examples that I know I've already read about and how when their players and pitcher started developing further with strengthening movements had positive result.

In my own journey
I know that as my body got stronger
I found I could be more explosive, cover more range and be stronger in all my applications in our sport of softball.
Part of building the tools to
be a well-rounded softball player.
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