Picking a rec league team

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Jun 24, 2013
Players who look like they can throw the ball would be 2nd on my list.

Normally C would be right after pitchers but since your DD catches I would not draft a player just for catching.
Apr 5, 2013
Back on the dirt...
I am planning on running the bases a lot so speed would be a good idea! Thanks for the tips guys. I'll look into the Candrea info. I've read good things about it. Thanks again. I'll let ya know how it turns out!
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Jun 11, 2013
2 things I like to look at if I have enough eyes (now this is based on boys more than girls, but I think it still holds).

1. Hustle. Fine the kids that stand out in this manner. The one backing up plays or running to then next station.
2. Potential trouble. If you can have someone keep an eye on the lines. See if a kid is always laughing at others mistakes or is messing with the kids in front of her.

This won't help you in the top 5-6 picks, but when you are filling spots 9,10,11,12. I always like the kids that I think want to be there and help win. Often you will find the kids that hustle may have come from another sport and just doesn't have experience but can improve drastically.

I have found that if the draft is a fair one, the top 5 from each team are around the same. It's the teams that have no easy outs that turn out to be hard to beat.
Feb 1, 2012
Talk to the other coaches and make sure you are all doing what is best for the league. If there are 4 teams and two of them have 2 pitchers each and 2 teams have no pitchers then it is no good for the league. Same thing for catchers. Droped third strikes suck. ( DD had 18 K's in 4 innings one time cause my catcher wasn't there and almost always a droped third strike). In rec ball a good pitching and catching combo are going to win you a lot of games. A good pitcher is going to get K's and a lot of soft grounders hit back to her for easy outs. The other thing about pitcher catcher combos is most of the time in rec ball there is nothing you can do about stealing bases. Most teams don't have that great P, catcher, SS combo so they can get runners, so stealing is easy. If you can stop them from getting home on passed balls then you can win a lot of games. Get a girl that can catch the ball so those easy hits to the pitcher ars easy outs. 9 out of 10 times you will not get the lead runner so get the sure out at first.

Next is speed, speed, SPEED. Hustle, hustle, hustle. You will win more games by walks and passed balls then you ever will on hits.

I think the biggest thing to remember is it is about the girls. ALL OF THEM. Not just the ones on your team but the league. talk to the other coaches and try to get the draft so every team has a good pitcher and catcher. Teams that are geting killed every game are no good for the league. Teams that are killing every other team are no good for the league. Try to make it an even playing field for all the teams and you will be a stronger league in the end.
Apr 5, 2013
Back on the dirt...
From what I understand we have 3-5 decent pitchers. My dd is a capable catcher and has played there for 4 years and 2 seasons of TB. Not too terribly worried about it there unless she gets hurt. The problem is not knowing the other pitchers. I only know of one and she will be first to go I imagine. Weather is looking up so that will be a plus hopefully!

Thanks again!

Ps I do understand what you're saying about the girls. That is my goal this year. Like I said I have assisted this age in rec and TB and head coached a YOUNG 8u TB team last year. I've seen the light about making it for the girls. I have some goals in mind for this team and hope that I can get an AC that will hold the same goals.
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Feb 1, 2012
IF DD is a catcher then have her catch for the pitchers warming up and have her tell you what pitcher to pick up. She will know right away.
Apr 17, 2012
You will have had a far better and rewarding season if you base your success on the improvement the girls show over the course of the season rather than w-L. Teach ALL the girls how to play the game
Nov 20, 2012
South Florida
As many have stated Pitchers must be first!
After that I think it is dependent on the situation (are the pitchers on the other teams good, if so I usually will compromise a little on speed and take a player with the same defensive abilities but is able to make contact more consistently)
However a time in the draft will come where all the players are pretty comparable and that is tough. I usually consider the player and her parents attitude. I have even passed on superior players because of their attitudes and I have never regretted it. Your experience as an assistant coach and willingness to be a student of the game will pay off huge dividends.
Good Luck Coach!!
Jul 17, 2012
So we know you need a pitcher first... no brainer. Pitchers can literally win games on their own in Rec. Since your DD is a catcher....the next priority is the best bat on the board. Once no bat sticks out...go with throwing arms.... Good overhand throw might convert to WIP pitcher. Speed is great....but the fastest kid in the world isn't going to help you if she can't get on base, can't throw, and can't catch. Take speed at the end of the draft. All things held equal with the bottom half of the draft...speed is huge. You also need a solid glove for 1st base. Bottom line...for most Rec leagues...here is the order of priority.

1B (just need a really good glove here.)
2B Good Glove- no worry about the arm. (assuming you have an above average pitcher. Most kids in rec are late to swing against a decent pitcher...so since most are righty....that means most ground balls to the right side. Since this is your best glove in the fiield...2B covers on steals. SS and 3B are your 2 best arms once the prior mentioned spots are filled. Fill out thr roster with speed in the outfield.

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