One sport vs playing multiple sports?

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Nov 26, 2010
I'm sure it has been discussed on DFP many times before...just curious to get some thoughts on the subject.

My DD just turned 13 and is in the 7th grade. Has been playing softball for about 3 years (starting 3rd season of travel). Just finished her first year of JV softball and had a great experience. She is improving a lot each year we play. Began first year of travel splitting time in outfield. Second year, started in outfield, pitched mostly pool games and was a bracket pitcher the second half of the year, and played some first. This year and on JV was starting pitcher, first base, and played occasional OF.

Her JV coach is also the varsity girls BB coach and talks to her a lot about coming out for BB (not varsity, but middle school). Her asst. JV coach is also the volleyball coach and wants her to come out for volleyball. I think she could have a better shot at volleyball...with BB I know I could teach her to go in and "hack" on a few people and throw a few elbows, but that is about it!

I do think playing other sports would be good for her and help her with her overall speed and movement. However, I do think one of the reasons she improves each year in softball is because she plays/practices a lot. Also, she puts a lot of time into her pitching.

For those of you that have been through this what are your thoughts given her age, being a pitcher, etc. In talking with her I think she would like to try BB, but I think most of this is because she likes the other girls and coaches. In things like this she gets most of the say...I just tell her the facts concerning the time commitment for pitching and playing multiple sports, etc.

Thanks for your thoughts and sharing your experience. Have a good weekend!
My dd plays 3 sports in HS, Softball, volleyball and basketball. She focuses on softball and that is far and away her best sport, but she plays and competes in the others, has started and has ridden the bench. Its a good experience and she develops strength and fitness in ways that are more fun then just running or lifting. In middle school she also ran track and played ayso soccer. Its a busy life, but we made it work.

A girl who graduated with my son was a pitcher and lettered in 4 sports in HS, she wound up at a Big Ten school on scholarship for Pole Vault. You never know what's going to happen until you try.
Jun 7, 2013
My daughters' main sport is softball. However, they absolutely love to play on the school tennis team in the fall. I should state that they do not have the sole goal of getting a D1 scholarship. They want to enjoy the ride and if the scholarship happens, it happens!
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
There are a *FEW*, but not many. Most of the girls who play multiple sports are not skill players...they have a unique gift that gives them an edge over everyone else. Usually, it is speed.

Good point. I was just reading the other day the bio of Megan Wiggins, the former UGA player who now plays professionally. Now this is a helluva athlete --

''A three sports standout earning second-place finishes in the 100m, 200m and shot put at region meet and qualifying for the state meet in four events including as a member of first-place region 4x100m and 4x400m relays...''

A sprinter and a shot-putter. And btw, she attended a very large public high school in one of the nation's top track-and-field states. This was not some 100-student private school league. All the while playing softball year-round.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
...A girl who graduated with my son was a pitcher and lettered in 4 sports in HS, she wound up at a Big Ten school on scholarship for Pole Vault. You never know what's going to happen until you try.

During her sophomore year a friend talked my oldest DD into going out for a newly formed girls wrestling team. Her friend lasted all of two days. The next year my DD ended up competing in 105# and lettering on the boys team. Was quite a sight to see boys humbled by a 5'-2" girl. She ultimately placed 3rd in state in the women's tournament. The dedication and disciplined that was instilled changed her forever. Not unlike what you see with boys and girls who come back men and women after 13 weeks on the island. Sometimes opportunity presents itself in ways never dreamed possible.
Nov 3, 2012
My 7th grade DD whose number one sport is softball played, volleyball, basketball and track in middle school this year. She is a good athlete and enjoyed all of those sports. She really like volleyball and plans to do that in high school. Did this hurt her softball? Probably. She missed some team practices and she doesnt have extra time to practice as much as we used to. But I look at the cross training and game time competition, I think that offsets the lost practice time. When she gets to high school, we'll have to asess what she doing. At this point well probably do Volleyball and Softball? Maybe Im not realistic, but I think she can do two sports well in high school and not really hurt her softball. I think its also good to have a little time off from a sport, some reset time so they can come back re-energized.
Nov 3, 2012
During her sophomore year a friend talked my oldest DD into going out for a newly formed girls wrestling team. Her friend lasted all of two days. The next year my DD ended up competing in 105# and lettering on the boys team. Was quite a sight to see boys humbled by a 5'-2" girl. She ultimately placed 3rd in state in the women's tournament. The dedication and disciplined that was instilled changed her forever. Not unlike what you see with boys and girls who come back men and women after 13 weeks on the island. Sometimes opportunity presents itself in ways never dreamed possible.

Womens wrestling is one of the fastest growing college sports. A lot of schools are adding teams every year and creating a lot of scholarships. Partly to Title IX. I saw a girl in Indiana qualify for the Boys state, which is one of the toughest states to qualify in wrestling.

I bet your DD went into softball season in really good shape. No tougher high school sport than wrestling.
Jan 27, 2010
DD played multiple sports in MS but has scaled back to SB and BB in HS. She does play competitive TB Fall and Summer. I agree with a previous post that the BB makes her a much more conditioned athlete. After playing one season of HS BB I could see a marked improvement in both upper and lower body strength plus endurance.

I say play as much as you can. The kid ages only make up about 20% of a lifetime, enjoy it while you can.
Aug 9, 2013
I encourage my girls to have other sports to do in the fall and winter, but once spring comes, softball is it.Most will play basketball in the winter, some will dance, some will do soccer but it's for fun and health.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
... Which gets me thinking that you do still have to play a summer of ball or some competitive ball if possible before college to be ready for it, or is it true I hear some D3(?) or whatever are allowed to get the kid started summer before college? Tell me it aint so!...

Some misguided kids take the summer off before starting college ball. Huge mistake. Need to do something. Seeing more and more kids go right from graduation and get started with college in the summer. Gives them an opportunity to get acclimated and get some classes completed so they can carry less hours during the regular season. While there are restrictions on contact with coaches, organized practices and such their are plenty of opportunities to work out although it is purely voluntary. Wink. Wink.

My DD along with a good number of teammates are still at school talking some summer classes while lifting and throwing almost every day. Nothing like the regular season but still working it. She said after going 9 months playing college ball she can't imagine doing nothing. Having not competed for about 3 weeks she is chomping at the bit to throw in some ASA qualifiers, showcases, and at the HOF tournament in OKC. She has taken time off to get some beach time and drive over to Tallahassee to see the Regional and Super at FSU. :)

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