New Travel Team

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Oct 24, 2012
I think you're down playing this way too much. We started a new team in December, team is set and practices have been going on, but behind the scenes is pretty disorganized. Make sure that work and sick arent excuses for not having jerseys here when you said they'd be, etc. Remember, 11-13 people just gave you 4000$, they want to see something out of it.

Edit to add: I say this from experience, not as a jerk. Get someone who can dedicate their time to helping you now, not when he has time
Apr 11, 2013
DD11...I guess I dont see where I am down playing anything...all involved know this will not be easy to get rolling and my guess is the first year or so will be rough as can be.....and I am in talks with our local league to keep the girls in the league but then sponsor them for tourneys as well......We have support by the local HS program and gaining alot of backing by the public and now the the point we might beable to construct another travel team as we have had more interest then space for 1 team. We are trying to work together to correct the past mistakes.....making sure the girls get proper training and the chance to do what they the game. I have also talked with a near by college HC and he is willing to help get things off and running anyway he can.

This is a learning process by me and everyone involved...we will make the best choices we can for our girls and thats all that matters anyways.....

Didnt think you came off as a jerk info is wanted from all...its all new so just like life we learn as we go
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mike s

Pitcher's Dad
Jul 18, 2011
Northern IL
One other thing not mentioned is studying the rule book(s), not just read but really study the rules. Knowing and understanding the rules will be very important not only for the HC but the ACs and especially the Scorekeeper. The HC, ACs and Scorekeeper need to be on the same page as to what is a wild pitch verses a passed ball. Whether it is a hit, error, reached on error. Stats are another area where there are a variety of opinions, some HCs never share stats with players parents because stats never tell the whole story. This is an area of potential conflict.
Good luck Andrew, final thought keep it fun!

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