Managing Multi-Sport Athletes

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Bench the player?

  • Bench them.

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May 22, 2023
I've encountered a situation that affects several of my players. I have an athlete who plays multiple sports for the school. For about a month, she'll have a conflict and won't be able to attend either of our two practices during the week. One of the practices is missed for her school's softball team practice. The athlete has started for us for the last two years and is a middle to late in the order bat.

I believe that as long as the athlete proves that she's putting in adequate work on her own, we shouldn't necessarily reduce her playing time. The other coaches on our staff believe that she should drop at least one of the different school sports so that she can attend at least one practice per week or else lose her starting spot.

I'm interested in knowing other coaches' viewpoints on this. Would you penalize a player for playing multiple sports for their junior or high school if it conflicts with regular practice times?

I'd also be interested in how you, as a coach, would handle the conflict with your other coaches.


DFP Vendor
Jun 29, 2021
Since this is a softball forum, I assume you're coaching softball, right? If so, why are you holding practices or playing during the school season? Even if the level of coaching in school isn't what it is with your team, kids need a break. Neither of my daughters attended any team practice during the school ball season.

Now, if it's a different sport, it depends on the level you're playing. If you're in PGF or Alliance college showcases, then the girl should be playing with your team if she wants to play in college. It's my understanding that some states restrict kids from playing travel during their school's active season, at least at the high school level, so you may have no choice. Middle school might be more flexible, though.
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May 22, 2023
This is softball, and this is at the 14U level. We have only have two athletes that are affected at the Jr. High level, but anticipate the problem to occur more as they progress into high school. Texas doesn't have that type of restriction at this time.

For reference, we do look to play alliance and pgf events this year, but we've not up to this point.


DFP Vendor
Jun 29, 2021
Well, you will find they won't have many events for the older girls during high school. Typically, they don't run events for 16U and 18U from March to May. The big events start in June.
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Jun 4, 2024
Should set the standard before the season starts. The standard either has exceptions written into it or it doesn't.

Example~ regardless of reason if player misses practice player will sit out the first game.
If you have an exception written into that. Then you are going to have to sort through all of life's other exceptions/excuse reason. Good luck with that!
...Then have to decide the importance or urgency of the exceptions.
( Which probably every one of those exceptions can be debatable...because of they're importance to the individual people that want to utilize the exception. What is valid for one will be valid for the other)
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May 2, 2018
Central Virginia
My personal philosophy as a coach:

School sports = no penalty
Other travel sports = some penalty

So you only have one kid on your team that plays school ball? Or do other kids play school ball and still show up for practice? How far away does this player live?

As they get older navigating school sports (especially softball) becomes more of a thing.

Not that it matters, but if my daughter was penalized for participating in a school sport, she would be finding a new team. They should be playing as many sports as they can. If it is school softball season, travel ball takes a backseat.
Jun 26, 2014
Seguin, TX
The Texas Hs softball season is in the spring. Some will play "fall ball" but it is typically coached by parents. I'm talking public school. Private school could be different.
Nov 20, 2020
SW Missouri
I think it's absurd, at the 12u/14u level, to sit a kid for missing club/travel practices because of school sport scheduling conflicts. Especially if one of those sports is softball.

If it is only 1-2 to players, who cares. Not many major tournaments going on in Spring anyways. A lot of that time is used for tune up games and getting ready for Summer.

Not that we have this issue, but if DD were to be penalized because of playing a school sport.....we'd look for another program and stick with the school sport. But that is different for everyone due to so many variables surrounding the quality of school sports. Luckily, for DD, she doesn't have a coach that would force her to choose.
Nov 9, 2021
Practicing as a team happens less and less as they get older. Kids should have the opportunity to do multiple things. Playing time should primarily be based on performance. The best players do a ton of stuff outside of the team practice environment.

Consider this scenario. You have one kid that never misses your two practices every week but puts in no work on her own. Then another kid attends about one team practice a week but other sports conflict about once a week. But that second girl also hits twice a week on her own and does fielding work on the side. So she puts 5-6 hours into softball every week on top of the one practice. Plus she is staying in shape doing other activities. I would argue the second girl is more committed to the success of your team.

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May 17, 2012
Would you penalize a player for playing multiple sports for their junior or high school if it conflicts with regular practice times?

I'd also be interested in how you, as a coach, would handle the conflict with your other coaches.

Why are you penalizing a player that you knew in advance was playing a school sport or another sport?

Either offer her a position on your team or don't, but work that out ahead of time. Did you ask her if she is playing other sports? I ask this at every tryout. There are no surprises, and everything is communicated in advance to all the players and parents. Suzy isn't here for this practice/tournament. Suzy is doing "X" instead today. We all knew this well in advance.

Have your coaches run laps for being morons. Your team practices are overrated as they get older (as others pointed out).

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