Lower Back Pain... Am I missing something?

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Dec 13, 2019
You can actually demand the doctor order a MRI, learned that with DD's shoulder injury couple years ago.

I'm no doctor but I'm getting over what sounds like your DD is experiencing. Last 3-4 years my back would hurt ( more uncomfortable than killer pain ) when I'd sit too long or bend over in a position too long. ( working on cars, motorcycles, etc ) I never thought much about it, just figured I was almost 40 and maybe age has these problems. One day at work ( I was feeling fine ) I was walking to my office and BANG, it felt like someone shot me in the lower back with a rocket launcher.

I did the X-rays and weeks of Chiro ( that usually fixes me right up ) and still had no relief, and now it was more steady intense pain, not "easy pain" like over the past few years.

Went to my GP, he sent me to ortho, I was getting no answers or relief. So I demanded the MRI and switched to a neurosurgeon . Diagnosed with degenerative disc disease in 4 discs in the lower back. DDD is natural for everyone to a degree, problem is some get it at 70 and some in their teens. Some only have it in 1 disc, some have multiple like mine.

What happens is the disc is "dying", and since I have 4 in a row on the lower back it's made my spine unstable forcing the muscles to continuously spasm to act as a "brace" to counter the instability. Very painful. Like your DD it hurts the worst when I'm baring weight on it, ( sitting, standing still, bending over ) anything that the "core" should be stabilizing.

I was very physically fit before the "injury", hadn't been in a Hostpital or emergency room in 20 years. But looking back I think my body was telling me something wasn't right for a few years and I was just passing it off as age related.

Here is my advice and please listen as I didn't do it right myself. Do not go see a Ortho, do not go see a GP, do not pass go or collect $200. Make an appt with a neurosurgeon and order a MRI. I'm not sure if I'll ever be 100% again, but I do know I wasted a bunch of time going to other doctors and the neuro has helped me the most mentally understanding the problem and physically getting it back on track.
Good post, sincere life experience!
Hope your doing better.
Mar 6, 2016
You can actually demand the doctor order a MRI, learned that with DD's shoulder injury couple years ago.

I'm no doctor but I'm getting over what sounds like your DD is experiencing. Last 3-4 years my back would hurt ( more uncomfortable than killer pain ) when I'd sit too long or bend over in a position too long. ( working on cars, motorcycles, etc ) I never thought much about it, just figured I was almost 40 and maybe age has these problems. One day at work ( I was feeling fine ) I was walking to my office and BANG, it felt like someone shot me in the lower back with a rocket launcher.

I did the X-rays and weeks of Chiro ( that usually fixes me right up ) and still had no relief, and now it was more steady intense pain, not "easy pain" like over the past few years.

Went to my GP, he sent me to ortho, I was getting no answers or relief. So I demanded the MRI and switched to a neurosurgeon . Diagnosed with degenerative disc disease in 4 discs in the lower back. DDD is natural for everyone to a degree, problem is some get it at 70 and some in their teens. Some only have it in 1 disc, some have multiple like mine.

What happens is the disc is "dying", and since I have 4 in a row on the lower back it's made my spine unstable forcing the muscles to continuously spasm to act as a "brace" to counter the instability. Very painful. Like your DD it hurts the worst when I'm baring weight on it, ( sitting, standing still, bending over ) anything that the "core" should be stabilizing.

I was very physically fit before the "injury", hadn't been in a Hostpital or emergency room in 20 years. But looking back I think my body was telling me something wasn't right for a few years and I was just passing it off as age related.

Here is my advice and please listen as I didn't do it right myself. Do not go see a Ortho, do not go see a GP, do not pass go or collect $200. Make an appt with a neurosurgeon and order a MRI. I'm not sure if I'll ever be 100% again, but I do know I wasted a bunch of time going to other doctors and the neuro has helped me the most mentally understanding the problem and physically getting it back on track.

^^^^ This .....
My lower back started "hurting" back when I was in late teens early 20s. Played bball, baseball and football...and it would cone and go..but always kinda there if that makes sense. Have had issues ever since. Worst positions for me are sitting in chair or leaning over to pick ip something. Lots of PT and had to stop weight training. It was..and still is my discs in lower lumbar. Usually a dull pain, but every week or so Ill do something and ZING!!!! I go down hard of have to catch my self. Inflammation around the nerves in area where the discs don't cushion the vertebrae.

So..teens can start getting bad backs too. Especially athletes. As others said..get DD an MRI and see if its possible disc issues. At least you can know one way or other.
Last edited:
Apr 28, 2014
Yes my daughter is a pitcher. She pitches 3-4 times/week. No pain whatsoever. Only bending over or sitting.

Goingdeep doesn't degenerative disc disease show up in an xray? Thank you for your very caring response...
Search my threads around SI Joint
May 23, 2015
I am not a doctor nor do I play one in a chat room, so take this for what its worth. Read John Sarnos Healing Back Pain. It was life changing for many of my athletes
Jun 19, 2020
Definitely check the SI joint thread. BT3100 was kind enough to spend some time educating me on his experience and we are now seeing improvement. DD is a 14yr old 3 sport athlete. Volleyball, Track, Softball. I also recommend getting the MRI. DD's was negative. SI Joint issues are very hard to identify.

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