Loss of hearing

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Jan 17, 2013
Last night in our league ball game while my DD was pitching to our catcher, the batter fouls off the pitch and it hit the catcher in the front side of her face mask. She (the catcher) immediately puts her hand to the ear hole and comes toward me crying. The "pop" off the helmet was so loud that it caused her to temporarily lose hearing in that ear for a while and had a ringing sensation. She finished out the inning /game but was still visibly shaken even after the game was over. Her mom sent us word that her hearing came back and the ringing stopped later that night but she did have a little head ache. She did not have any signs of a concussion at the time of the hit or after the game. I looked at it like someone shooting a gun next to a person without hearing protection. Has anyone ever witnessed this before with their catcher?
Jun 7, 2013
Last night in our league ball game while my DD was pitching to our catcher, the batter fouls off the pitch and it hit the catcher in the front side of her face mask. She (the catcher) immediately puts her hand to the ear hole and comes toward me crying. The "pop" off the helmet was so loud that it caused her to temporarily lose hearing in that ear for a while and had a ringing sensation. She finished out the inning /game but was still visibly shaken even after the game was over. Her mom sent us word that her hearing came back and the ringing stopped later that night but she did have a little head ache. She did not have any signs of a concussion at the time of the hit or after the game. I looked at it like someone shooting a gun next to a person without hearing protection. Has anyone ever witnessed this before with their catcher?

I think that the most important thing would be for the catcher to go see a doctor. It is always best to get these things checked out by a medical professional.
Apr 27, 2015
I'm a bit surprised that you didn't pull her Immediately. A shot to the helmet that hard to cause a loss of hearing could also mean she has a concussion. She needs to be checked out before playing another out.


Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
Happened to my dd 2 years ago. Almost same things. She nearly went into shock with panic. Cried and said "I can't hear" over and over. I had to get her to deep breath to calm down. She could hear within about 10 minutes, but had a headache the rest of the day, probably from the panic she was in.
Jun 18, 2013
I agree with the others that said she probably should have been pulled. Any shot to the helmet hard enough to make her lose hearing is hard enough to cause concussion concerns even without any other symptoms and the little headache after the fact would be enough to send me to the doctor.
Jan 17, 2013
Well my wife was a certified athletic trainer when we got married. She is also an assistant coach on the team. I let her do a quick assessment, the catcher's mom is our other AC, so everyone agreed that she could continue as well as the catcher (who did not want to come out). I offered to let her come out, she wanted to stay in and 5 pitches later the game was over. We all agreed that mom needed to watch her closely and if her she did not get better soon to see a doctor. I still believe this was more about the loud sound that was made and echoing inside of the helmet than it was with the ball hitting her helmet with much force.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
I'm not being judgmental, as I don't know the signs of a concussion (besides headache/nausea) without looking them up, but fyi ...

Per Mayo Clinic:

Signs and symptoms of a concussion may include:

Headache or a feeling of pressure in the head
Temporary loss of consciousness
Confusion or feeling as if in a fog
Amnesia surrounding the traumatic event
Dizziness or "seeing stars"
Ringing in the ears
Slurred speech
Delayed response to questions
Appearing dazed
Apr 1, 2010
Yep, ringing in the ears/inability to hear sounds like a concussion symptom to me. Pull her if there's any doubt. It's just not worth it.

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