LL coach charged with lewd & lascivious conduct

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Jul 2, 2013
This is one of the most difficult subject to talk about because the individual circumstance of the case is all important. Sometimes the male role models, coaches and dads are put in very difficult situations. I am not placing blame on either side, but only offering a different perspective from a single dad, who carefully raised his only daughter and allowing her to have freedom to grow, learn, and be with their friends.

My house was, and is, where my daughter has had many sleep-overs. Why, because I let them be themselves, gave the space, and did not have a bunch of rules. "Mom" was not around.

The intellectual, and physical development, as females grow is very challenging to a grown male adult. They go through phases where they flirt. Phases where they dress too skimpy. Go through phases where they initiate behavior to an adult male role model because they are young, and over their young life growth, it happens.

I continually fretted about how to be intellectually close to my daughter, and her friends, be upstanding and proper in every way, and stay within the boundaries every man must have with any female. Circumstances happen. A girl would accidentally walk into the bathroom, while I was in there. A girl would intentionally flirt with me just to get my reaction to the point I have to tell them to stop, and physically remove myself, and get up and walk away. They would show me photo's of themselves they should not, and I would tell them so. Don't show me that, and lecture them on the importance of keeping all digital photo's discrete.

On more than one occasion, all it would have taken is a young lady to mis-interpret my every day actions. They could bring me down, ruin my life, cause me to lose my job and become an embarrassment to my community. We talked about this with the girls. I was only trying to be a responsible adult male role model, all young girls want and need. But I also wanted to be close enough to help, and watch my daughter grow, to give her guidance, that others young ladies do not get from their dads, because their dads were too afraid to get close to their daughters because of the very real fear and consequence talk about here.

I do not know the facts in this case. I will not pass judgement. Just offering a perspective that most male role models care very much for these young ladies. That path is particularly treacherous for us, if you want to make a difference. Many men won't and do not engage in their daughters life.

I am so glad my daughter is now 17, and the relationships I have with her friends now is much more adult to adult. Potentially compromising circumstances do not come up anymore.

Whew ... I made it through, and truly cherish my daughter and her friends, who I literally grew up with. A most difficult task, and most rewarding.
Mar 13, 2010
As a former teenage girl, no one action doesn't have the potential to ruin a mans life (unless that one action is actual sexual assault)

I had a friends father claim I 'misunderstood him' and he was just trying to comfort me. I had skinned me knee and he groped me (apparently my breasts were near me knee?) I never went back.

This idea that women/teenage girls are out to ruin men's lives is so damaging. False accusations are so rare (ante dotes don't count)
Jul 2, 2013
As a former teenage girl, no one action doesn't have the potential to ruin a mans life (unless that one action is actual sexual assault)

I had a friends father claim I 'misunderstood him' and he was just trying to comfort me. I had skinned me knee and he groped me (apparently my breasts were near me knee?) I never went back.

This idea that women/teenage girls are out to ruin men's lives is so damaging. False accusations are so rare (ante dotes don't count)

You are exactly right. I was only referencing that this issue was always on my mind, I felt vulnerable because I was a single father (wife passed away). I never intimated that adult men were being falsely accused, nor was a pattern to be looked out for in today's world.

And the true stories of my experience was just that, true. Another one I left out, once as the responsible parent, I said NO to the young ladies on something they (including my own) wanted to do. They banded together and accused me of being a creep. Yes, young ladies also go through a 'creep' phase. Scared the living ..... out of me.

Yes, the vast majority of time when an adult male is accused of a sex assault, they have a problem. In this particular case it is "Lewd ... behavior". This accusation does not indicate a sex assault. Again the details matter ... I don't have enough of them, and it may be a boundary issue without any physical contact whatsoever.

For example, and another true story. One of the ladies who visited, her dad got charge for "Lewd ... behavior" for walking naked in his house, and standing naked on his front porch while the police approached, with his teenage daughter in the house. Do not know the results of the case, only that was the charge. I don't condone this behavior, but repeat ... the details matter, and in this instance it certainly did not include any physical contact.

And though I do not work in law enforcement, and do not know the exact details of a "Lewd ... behavior" charge, my untrained take on this is that a sex assault did not occur, and no physical contact was ever made. If I am right on this, only underscores my point that the general public is too quick to jump to conclusions without having ANY details.

Women get the same charge for going topless in public. Pretty certain this board would not have jumped the fence all the way to a sex preditor had it been a female coach.
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Feb 20, 2012
lewd and lascivious adj., adv. references to conduct which includes people living together who are known not to be married, entertainment which aims at arousing the libido or primarily sexual sensation, open solicitation for prostitution, or indecent exposure of genitalia (which is itself a crime). Due to the tendency of judges to be overly careful in writing about moral and/or sexual matters the definitions have been cloaked in old-fashioned modesty. Today the term usually applies to pornography, prostitution, and indecent acts. (See: pornography, prostitution, indecent exposure)

lewd and lascivious legal definition of lewd and lascivious. lewd and lascivious synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

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