Leap into 2022, USA rules change for pitching

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May 16, 2016
I am good with rule change and if I could write the pitching rules.

1 foot needs to start on plate
2 must be thrown underhand
3 no replant, annoys me the most
4 no double circles

Leap all you want, step back, I do not care.

How can you leap, and not replant?
May 27, 2013
Wow!! That’s crazy….. I’ve seen some girls unintentionally leap a little bit and get away with it but I have yet to see somebody leave their feet completely and not get called for it!

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She would - but very rarely. Once we got to the showcase level the umps didn’t really care.
Oct 14, 2019
I don’t even know how there is an argument whether leaping is beneficial. The more explosive, athletic pitchers have a longer and faster stride and a dragging trail leg can only slow them down. I’m not saying the girls are really airborne, but the hardest throwest girls I have seen locally have their trail leg off the ground and throw with a pronounced hop off the rubber. Obviously, not many girls are athletic enough to explode forward like this and they probably couldn’t elevate the trail leg even if they wanted to.


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Dec 13, 2019
How does this discussion apply when in front of most pitching rubbers becomes a hole?!

Oct 14, 2019
that’s one of the reasons the leaping call is stupid.

we played a game earlier this year. a girl on the other team tried to slide into home, but because of a hole in the batter’s box she never made it home. she was tagged out. her coach came to the plate umpire yelling and screaming about the hole. play was stopped while the grounds crew filled in the hole.

her next at bat the same girl dug a trough in the batter’s box like a labrador retriever at the beach.

pitchers do the same thing. lot of digging in softball.
Aug 21, 2008
All anyone has to do is watch Cat Osterman to see how someone can leap without replanting. A replant is coming down on the ball of your foot, a leap requires the toes to be pointed down. You cannot replant if your toes are down. There is also no "hitch" or pause in the arm circle if you leap, there is a pause in every arm circle of a replant/crow hop. Many of these pitcher complain of soreness in their pectoral muscle because the pause means they're going to use muscle to pitch instead of the speed of their arm circle.

If there is this much confusion on an internet message board with many people who claim to be pitching coaches, imagine the confusion umpires will have. Many will not know the difference between leaping and replanting so they will probably just let it all go, under the guise of saying the pitcher is leaping. This is going to be a circus until people just let it go and stop complaining about it. Hopefully more people take the men's FP philosophy: the ball has to cross the plate no matter what, don't worry about how the pitcher does it.
May 17, 2012
From my experience pitchers that replant kick dirt towards first base when they replant. They make a little divot/hole and kick the dirt towards first, it's an obvious mark compared to pattern a legal toe dragger uses.

Bonus points if you complain to the umpire while pointing to the hole in the circle. Umpires love that.

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