Last nights HS Softball Banquet

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Jun 18, 2010
Last night DDs High School Team had their end-of-season banquet (fall HS ball). DD is a freshman this year so I wasn’t sure what to expect.

The banquet started with dinner, followed by the coaches saying a few words. After the individual and team awards were handed out, the three seniors walked to the podium one at a time. With them, they each carried a softball. You could see each softball had quite a bit written on it, obviously a personalized message. Each senior got to present a ball to someone who impacted their life over the course of their High School softball seasons. This was every emotional for the seniors as their High School Softball journey was coming to an end.

The last of the three seniors began to speak, her voice quivering from the start as she fought back tears. She addressed the underclassmen telling them, in kind words, to not take their HS experiences for granted. She described how Softball had impacted her life. As the tears started to flow, she then looked at her father and said, “Dad I want you to have this ball, to remember all of the time we spent together practicing, fighting, and talking”. She went on to describe times they spent practicing together when it was so dark neither could see, how they laughed, and cried at times. Sometimes they would be at each other arguing so much her mother would lock them out of the house until they both calmed down. Now as a young adult, she realized how much her father loved her to dedicate that much time and energy working with her over the years, and how much she was going to miss it. As I was fighting back the tears, I thought to myself, I hope I am having that type of impact on my daughter.


Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
Great post. it's good to remember that as long as you are coming from a place of love, then these girls are tougher than we think and a few tears can be a good thing in the long run. I try to make it fun but when the excuses start to fly we but heads. I doubt it will ever change. We had one of these practices yesterday, but after practice she was really proud of getting through it and I had a few moments of just looking at her and recognizing how even though she has a lot to learn, that at 11 she is a damn good little ballplayer and is easily the best FP player of her birth year in our town. I hope she understands how valuable this time we spend together is when she gets older.
Dec 12, 2012
On the bucket
JJ and Knight,

In the same boat here with DD. Time off with a broken finger has made us both (her more than me!) realize how much we enjoy the time practicing, arguing, and playing. We are at the half way point in our journey so I am just enjoying the ride. Good times I will never forget and I hope she doesn't either !

With all the umpire and strike zone forum activity lately, I decided to talk to her on the way to school this morning about pitching when the umpire is calling a different zone than she is used to. To my amazement the conversation was very short. She knew exactly what to do. The only question we came to was how to talk to the HC about pitch calling when that happens.
Apr 11, 2012
wow....thanks for sharing. That's a great story....and was thinking how there is only one more year of HS ball for my DD just this morning .....and how fast the first three years has went by....


Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
Nice post Knight I just wish we had a banquet here like you do .....I doubt my DD'S will even get a NLI signing day at our high school ...

Wichita, we will celebrate her signing here! I'll even paypal buy her dinner!

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