Katie Rios has passed away...

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Feb 20, 2012
I did not know Katie Rios, but saw the news of her passing on my FB page and thought I would share since she obviously loved softball. Very sad story and it can help put our problems with a coach, team, player, parent, DD into perspective......Team Katie FB page

Katie Rios.jpg

Katie Rios, the 17-year-old from Porter who everyone has come to love as one of the best softball players in the area has passed away.

On April 11, 2013, a beautiful healthy 17 year old girl came down with symptoms of the flu. She had fever, body aches, malaise and it stood to reason that Katie had the flu as there was a known diagnosis of the flu in the immediate family just a few days earlier. She seemed to be improving by the 2nd day and was out and about being a normal teenage girl but that 3rd day she woke up again with the same symptoms. She took her daughter to the doctor where she was diagnosed with the flu/strep and was told she was a bit dehydrated and might want to consider going to the ER for IV fluids if she didn’t feel Katie would be able to keep herself hydrated enough while fighting strep/flu. Her mom took one look at her and said might is not an option. Every mother knows when their child isn’t their usual self and she took her straight to the ER. What happened in the next few hours is every parents worse nightmare.
In the ER, her fever had finally gone down after receiving fluids and her vital signs were holding steady but a few of her lab values were off so they admitted her for observation and to rehydrate her. She was not on the pediatric floor for very long before she began to have new onset seizures without fever. She was quickly transferred to Texas Children’s Hospital. On arrival to TCH, she began to seize uncontrollably and was put on a ventilator. Her seizures became longer and more extensive and after exhausting all efforts to control the seizures, the doctors had no choice but to medically induce a coma. Testing revealed swelling in her brain and pneumonia. The doctors left no stone unturned because they wanted to know more than ever how this perfectly healthy girl went from having the flu to being on life support in a matter of days. They ran every test possible but still no answers. She was on so many medications to keep her stable that her organs are starting to fail in the process.

At 9:18 p.m. Monday night Katie passed away.
Nov 5, 2009
St. Louis MO
God bless her and her family. It sure puts things in perspective doesn't it?

We have a 15 year old in our softball community that we're praying for right now. She went from playing a softball game to not being able to walk in a span of 7 days. They've found an aggressive form of a cancerous tumor on her spine.
Oct 22, 2009
This is a heartbreaking story. Her family and doctors did everything right, and despite that had a tragic outcome.

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