It simply amazes me!

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Ken Krause

May 7, 2008
Mundelein, IL
This place is awesome. As "only" :) a rec ball coach, and the daughter of two rec ball players, I get a ton of ideas all the time. Just wish I could find the one sure bet on how to teach confidence to a kid who has the ability but doesn't realize it, but I know, this isn't discuss :)

One of the things you can do to help a player build confidence is let her know it's ok to fail as she works on her game. Often players who lack confidence are afraid of failing or disappointing their coaches or parents. They let fear of what might happen keep them from really going for it.

Encourage this type of player to focus on the process - what they're doing - instead of on the outcome. It can make a huge difference.
Jun 29, 2013
Appreciate that, Ken. Things like that, the things that, in addition to the tremendously good technical points, are exactly what I mean when I say I get so much out of this site.
Jul 14, 2010
Our local softball site in NJ is filled with hostility and know-it-alls who shout down any attempt at civil discussion. This site is a wealth of information by comparison. I've stopped using the local site except for recruiting and tournament information.
Sep 29, 2010
Knoxville, TN
I am sure I'm not the only one who's had a similar experience on DFP, but i was amazed when I posted hitting videos of my DD that someone I had never met took an interest in her and has helped us immensely. This person actually took the time to make a personal video discussing different aspects of the swing and drills for my daughter to perform that she could understand at 10 yo. He also sent us several hitting videos for me to study and learn for myself how to help my daughter. I can send him video to evaluate and we have all worked together often via FaceTime on her swing! Not to mention some hitting aids such as a bat jack and a power pod we received.

We now text fairly regularly just to say hi and how's it going and I know when I have a hitting question who my go to guy is.

The amazing part to me is all he ever wants in return is to know how she's doing during her tournaments and school ball, oh and for her to play college ball at Mizzou haha! (She's 12 now)

So I can't say it enough, thank you very much and there is no way I could ever repay you for how much you've helped us. You know who you are!
Jul 29, 2013
North Carolina
Well said YOCOACH and I completely agree. Sometimes I wish I would have never found this site, it has cost me alot of money
in equipment and I probably check in 10-15 times a day ! Great wealth of information.
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
Ouch,I guess for me its Better to be thought of as a fool than to post and remove all doubt.LOL

I've heard of loan sharks!!?? Lol :)
I hear ya brother... :)
As far as being an advocate of IR in a hello elbow sea, I'm right with ya! There's a guy in our area who's dd went to a d2 on a partial scholarship, therefore he's the resident all knowing expert who happens to teach hello elbow. Every single time he comes across one of my students he will "help them" with their mechanical flaw, and will have them locking out their arm on an exaggerated back swing and then finish the release with a forward facing palm and a high straight elbow! Thanks a lot!! There goes about two months down the drain... I fully understand your pain!
May 24, 2013
So Cal
Because of DFP, I have...

- Become a minnow in the sea of sharks known as the "Theological Hitting" section, and subsequently stopped spending money on a hitting coach.
- Learned what "turn the barrel" means.
- Stopped telling kids to "squish the bug".
- Learned about NECC, and helped my DD start down a much better - and faster - path towards improving her catching skills.
- Passed on some of what I have learned to others.
- Purchased a few more bats than I really need.
- Become a better coach for my DD and her teammates.
- Laughed.
- Yelled at my monitor.
- Cheered.
- Met some really cool/helpful/kind people...and a couple of true jack@$$es.

Thank you, DFP.
Nov 18, 2013
I used to frequent another board that has basically turned into a "My team is better than your team" fight amongst adults and insults to teams outside that realm. It took me awhile before I found this one and before I said anything, I sat quietly looking at the info and the banter that sometimes goes on that seems harmless and fun. that was when I decided to start posting. This site is by far the most helpful and insightful softball site around.

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