It simply amazes me!

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Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
The amount of useful information that is passed back and forth on this site simply amazes me. I was just on a thread where two individuals that were moving into different areas of the country passed along websites to each other in order to help them find their DD's new TB teams. The amount of information passed in the technical hitting thread, the pitching thread, the coaching thread and the softball parent thread just astounds me. Yes, we have differences, but the differences make for interesting discussions and usually brings out even further information. Thank each and every one of you for sharing your knowledge, experience and opinions on every topic that you see fit to answer.

edit to add: for those cynics, of which I include myself, this is not an attempt to garner more "Thanks" points so please don't....LOL It is genuinely meant to everyone that contributes to this forum/site.
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Super Moderator
Staff member
May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Thank you for your kind words. We have some great people on the board, and they seem to be willing to share their advice.

We try to keep the discussions focused on softball and we try to keep everyone civil. It is a challenge, and I'm sure we've made mistakes. But, generally, it works pretty well.


Ken Krause

May 7, 2008
Mundelein, IL
I second what Ray said. What you describe is what the intention of this Board is. Glad to hear you feel it's working that way.
Dec 3, 2012
I searched for several months before I found this website. I sat silently in the background for a few months before I was brave enough to try to post a video of my dd pitching to get help and advice on what to work on. I can't thank the regulars on this board enough for all of the knowledge and advice they share on a daily basis! I've referred a few other people to this sight, also, and they simply respond with, "WOW!" when I ask what they think of it. I wish more softball parents and coaches knew about this.

Ken Krause

May 7, 2008
Mundelein, IL
I searched for several months before I found this website. I sat silently in the background for a few months before I was brave enough to try to post a video of my dd pitching to get help and advice on what to work on. I can't thank the regulars on this board enough for all of the knowledge and advice they share on a daily basis! I've referred a few other people to this sight, also, and they simply respond with, "WOW!" when I ask what they think of it. I wish more softball parents and coaches knew about this.

One thing all of you can do to spread the word is post a message on any social media sites you frequent - Facebook, Twitter, etc. - you frequent telling friends to check out the DFP Forum as a great resource and place for answers. That is, of course, if you want to share what could be a nice little competitive advantage for your own daughters/players. :cool:
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
This site is definitely a gold mine... occasionally you might come across a knucklehead, but for the most part, there are more people willing to honestly help than I've ever seen any where else! I have personally gained a wealth of knowledge on the hitting and pitching forums. Thanks to all who contribute the video clips. They are a big help!
Jun 29, 2013
This place is awesome. As "only" :) a rec ball coach, and the daughter of two rec ball players, I get a ton of ideas all the time. Just wish I could find the one sure bet on how to teach confidence to a kid who has the ability but doesn't realize it, but I know, this isn't discuss :)

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