Is it really " Just a game" ?

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Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
I really like this post for two reasons. First, my profile name is "It's just a game Coach" because it is my trigger. There are a few terms that I hear that take my rev meter to RED. "It's just a game Coach" is number 1! (Being called, "Boss" or "Chief" are very close seconds.) It bothers me, because I mostly hear it from other teams coaches and parents. I most commonly hear it when my team is playing hard or I have called the other coach on a rule violation. The rule violation is usually an attempt on their part to WIN and then when I call them out, I'm told "It's just a game Coach!" Trust me I am not about winning at all cost, BUT I do try to teach my girls that if you are going to step out on the field then do it right and play hard. Don't tell me that it's just a game unless we are not keeping score.

Secondly, no one ever tells a PTA parent "It's just school." When your family is involved in something that means a lot to you, it is more than just a game. The only other time I hear, "It's just a game Coach" is when it is a parent that would obviously rather be somewhere else and we know from statistics that their non-committment to something child enjoys will hinder their success.

First of all, It is just a game as are all sports. Losing a game is not a death sentence nor does winning make you a King of any country (we'll leave the hero worship of top players for another thread). With the exception of maybe 1% of all athletes, it doesn't directly affect their future unlike an education. An education either good or poor will directly affect their future and if it's a poor one, can easily lead to an early death sentence. How many times have you read in the paper or heard on the news about a murder of a young teen in the bad section or slums of your town? A good education will often times set the student up for a successful career. Again, we'll leave the unemployment rate to another thread or, better yet, to another website. To try and draw an analogy between the two is erroneous in the best of circumstances and a definite troll move in the worst of them.
Apr 25, 2010
I wonder what area of the US you are in? I really don't see the problems that you describe, here in Tucson. Plus, no dads own a radar gun, whether they are raising boys or girls. There are goofy dads in every sport. But, generally they are helpful.

Sadly, this guy is from Ohio. At least, I think so. He posts on OFC all the time, but nobody actually knows who he is... He does the same stupid cr@p over there.
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Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
I really like this post for two reasons. First, my profile name is "It's just a game Coach" because it is my trigger. There are a few terms that I hear that take my rev meter to RED. "It's just a game Coach" is number 1! (Being called, "Boss" or "Chief" are very close seconds.) It bothers me, because I mostly hear it from other teams coaches and parents. I most commonly hear it when my team is playing hard or I have called the other coach on a rule violation. The rule violation is usually an attempt on their part to WIN and then when I call them out, I'm told "It's just a game Coach!" Trust me I am not about winning at all cost, BUT I do try to teach my girls that if you are going to step out on the field then do it right and play hard. Don't tell me that it's just a game unless we are not keeping score.

Secondly, no one ever tells a PTA parent "It's just school." When your family is involved in something that means a lot to you, it is more than just a game. The only other time I hear, "It's just a game Coach" is when it is a parent that would obviously rather be somewhere else and we know from statistics that their non-committment to something child enjoys will hinder their success.

First of all, It is just a game as are all sports. Losing a game is not a death sentence nor does winning make you a King of any country (we'll leave the hero worship of top players for another thread). With the exception of maybe 1% of all athletes, it doesn't directly affect their future unlike an education. An education either good or poor will directly affect their future and if it's a poor one, can easily lead to an early death sentence. How many times have you read in the paper or heard on the news about a murder of a young teen in the bad section or slums of your town? A good education will often times set the student up for a successful career. Again, we'll leave the unemployment rate to another thread or, better yet, to another website. To try and draw an analogy between the two is erroneous in the best of circumstances and a definite troll move in the worst of them.

I agree completely with the importance of education and in succeeding with the building of an educational base to better the remainder of their life. The more girls I help to play softball in college the more I question things. What I see is that many of them end up sacrificing their educational goals to play 4 yeas in college. I've seen this play out many times first hand. It's sad.
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Jan 2, 2015
Another site that we have to put up with demon. I guess spreading hate & discontent on the OFC site was not enough !!!!!!
Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
I agree completely with the importance of education and in succeeding with the building of an educational base to better the remainder of their life. The more girls I help to play softball in college the more I question things. What I see is that many of them end up sacrificing their educational goals to play 4 yeas in college. I've seen this play out many times first hand. It's sad.

FFS....I've never seen it play out first hand. However, I have heard many horror stories about it second hand and it truly scares me. That is one of two major reasons that I stress to my DD that she needs to get good, if not excellent grades, in high school. If she does that and scores well on the SAT/ACT tests, if she needs/wants to she can walk away from softball without sacrificing her education since a majority of her scholarship money should be academic. Not all athletic scholars can handle both and if the pressure is too great, I'd rather my DD have that choice to be able to walk away if necessary.


Softball Sponge
Dec 7, 2014
Surprise Arizona
I wanted to clarify a few things I said because I don't think they were written well. I don't like the term "It's just a game Coach" because I commonly hear it used sarcastically from someone who is all about winning and trying to get away with something. Then when they are called on it, they reply "It's just a game coach."

My comparison about PTA and softball was not about he importance of education. The comparison was that of the parent who puts in extra effort for their child. My wife and I regularly attend PTA meetings, however have never really been involved. I see some parents that volunteer for everything, want to be an office holder in the PTA or work to some other extent that the majority of other parents do not. In fact PTA is usually represented by less than 10% of the students parents. My point is that I have never heard anyone question their involvement in the PTA. Maybe not the best analogy, but I meant it concerning the amount of effort the family puts into making something better for their child.

I have however heard people outside of softball say that a parent is too involved in their child's softball and that "It's just a game." In the sense that kids go out on the field with rules and try to have fun, Yes it is a game. I think when you add the term JUST a game it makes all of the difference. My son plays video games and they are JUST games. I have never sent him to a camp, hired a coach or spent countless hours cheering him on as he raids villages or whatever his game does. Not really sure if this clears anything up that I may have implied, it is just my attempt at not sounding like a dirt bag as may have been implied by other posters.

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