interference was his call...

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May 17, 2012
The field is over an hour away and by getting a 1 or 2 seed we get a first round bye and a 12:00 game time on sun. This was an ASA tourney and seeding was based solely on runs scored. My total for the day was 25 scored and 3 given up... We still ended up with the #2 seed.

You should have scored more runs, it's tournament ball.

You can't win can you? :)
Jul 3, 2013
If the runner did not hesitate or obviously time her jump to coincide with the ball approaching the fielder, that should not be INT. And remember, it is what and how the umpire sees it, not you.

INT doesn't need to be intentional. But, I am reminded of something an umpire told me some 15 years ago while playing slowpitch. We were up big, just like the OP. His strike zone became quite large and he called a pitch that hit the plate a strike. I asked him if he saw it hit the plate. His reply- "I must have been blinded by all of those lights on the scoreboard." The score of the game does change the judgement of everyone involved.


Jun 22, 2008
INT doesn't need to be intentional.

Didn't say it was

But, I am reminded of something an umpire told me some 15 years ago while playing slowpitch. We were up big, just like the OP. His strike zone became quite large and he called a pitch that hit the plate a strike. I asked him if he saw it hit the plate. His reply- "I must have been blinded by all of those lights on the scoreboard." The score of the game does change the judgement of everyone involved.

And that is BS umpiring. Coaches are told to umpire the game in front of them. Umpires should umpire the game in front of them.
Jul 9, 2009
Don't judge me...

Too late.......

The field is over an hour away and by getting a 1 or 2 seed we get a first round bye and a 12:00 game time on sun. This was an ASA tourney and seeding was based solely on runs scored. My total for the day was 25 scored and 3 given up... We still ended up with the #2 seed.

What ASA tourney is going on now? Practice games have started this weekend for Nationals and the Region Nationals will be starting mid-week. Also, what ASA tourney ever, or any reputable tournament, bases a seed strictly on runs allowed? I've never seen it.
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Jun 22, 2008
No, but you suggest that a runner has to do something out of the ordinary for the call to be made.

No, I stated what could draw an INT call, not that it had to be intentional, though the latter would have to contain some level of intent. BTW, doing something out of the ordinary often is interference and still nothing stating a requirement of intent. Simply running in front of a fielder is nothing and even shown as permissible to avoid interfering with the fielder (ASA 8.8.A).

Having been part of the discussion in Colorado Springs when ASA changed most of their rules involving INT and having attended the national clinics for 20 years and given this in numerous state and regional clinics over the past 15 years, I'm pretty confident in my assessment.
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
We have bases loaded with two outs, we are up big in the 2nd inning 16-0 when my batter hits the ball right towards the ss ....

Just curious. Why mention the score? Did you feel it was relevant to your question?

I told the score because I was thinking the blue was looking for an out just to get out of the inning. My runner did not interfere in any way, plus the ss was really deep for some reason. She was only a foot or two from the grass. Im just not a fan of umpires who dictate the game with "judgement" calls. Things like enlarging or shrinking the strike zones to help the weaker team. I paid the same amount of money for this tourney as that team, and I came with intent to win, with prepared players. Don't hold me to a different set of rules or standards just because my team is doing what we practice to do and the opponent isnt...
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
I told the score because I was thinking the blue was looking for an out just to get out of the inning. My runner did not interfere in any way, plus the ss was really deep for some reason. She was only a foot or two from the grass. Im just not a fan of umpires who dictate the game with "judgement" calls. Things like enlarging or shrinking the strike zones to help the weaker team. I paid the same amount of money for this tourney as that team, and I came with intent to win, with prepared players. Don't hold me to a different set of rules or standards just because my team is doing what we practice to do and the opponent isnt...

Good answer. As I said, I was just curious. ...

Couple of months ago, my daughter's team was in a game where they went from a 5-1 lead to 13-1 in the top of the final inning, and my daughter comes to bat w/ 2 outs. They've batted around, and the opposing pitcher is spent. There are two strikes on her, and she got rung up on a pitch that's at least a foot wide and a foot high. So while it was meaningless, it's only human to be a little credulous.
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Feb 7, 2013
When UP 16-0, outs against the team winning become easy to come by.

And you probably argued with the umpire, now posting on a message board.

My question is, when did your team begin to stop stealing, taking extra bases, and going just base to base, may I ask?

It's pretty sad when a coach and team comes prepared to play at a high level, and they are criticized because the other team is either unprepared, less talented, signed up for the wrong level of tournament, or all of the above. If you have a 16-0 lead on my team, it should never ever be your fault for scoring so many runs on us. I would have to look at myself, my coaching staff, and my players and figure out what we can do better to be a competitive team. Please don't take pity on my team, mercy us and hopefully we can learn from the experience.

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