Interesting Events Going Down at the LLSBWS

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Jun 23, 2013
That's complete BS. Are you seriously trying to argue that the coach put a lineup in the field he knew wouldn't score any runs so he could advance?

He may not have broken any rules, but what he did is bush league. Instaed of making a bunch of lame excuses he should just say "sorry" and move on.

Sorry for not breaking any rules? Sorry for taking advantage of the rules just like the other coaches were doing? Maybe if Central hadn't extended their games by striking out on purpose, he would never have been in that tie breaker scenario. So no, he didn't need to apologize for a damn thing.

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Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Regardless of the coaches actions, LLI through their own actions and policies brought this about. It is a poorly conceived format and they need to fix it.
Nov 15, 2013
Is your definition of sportsmanship solely to play by the rules? That is, no claims of unsportsmanlike behavior are warranted in any situation as long as no rules of the game are broken?

Wasting your time. Some people are in it to compete, other people just want to "win." We can all tell which one WaSpeed02 is.
Jun 23, 2013
Is your definition of sportsmanship solely to play by the rules? That is, no claims of unsportsmanlike behavior are warranted in any situation as long as no rules of the game are broken?

That's a good question. I would say no, that is not how I would define sportsmanship. I think there are unsportsmanlike things that are not necessarily against the rules.

However, please understand my emphasis here about Fred not breaking any rules is in direct response to the allegation that he is a cheater. A lack of sportsmanship is not the same thing as cheating.

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May 30, 2013
Binghamton, NY
Easing the pitching rules might help also; not eliminate them but increase the limit for number you can pitch and then pitch again tomorrow.

I disagree!
The pitching rules are already very lax for girls,
and were just loosened-up last season.

I think that the rules should be set such that a team CANNOT steamroll through a tournament with a single "ace".
The only way a team needs at least one other quality pitcher now is:
a) if you have to play a double-header AND are scheduled to play the following Day. (rare once you get to regionals)
b) you play in a game that goes xtra innings (seldom)

The Boys game is much more pitching-depth dependent.
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Jun 23, 2013
Wasting your time. Some people are in it to compete, other people just want to "win." We can all tell which one WaSpeed02 is.

Actually, I've already stated my position on how I personally would have played it as a coach. So don't let the facts get in the way of your ad hominem rhetoric.

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Nov 18, 2013
I'm not familiar with Little League, so is there a reason this section wouldn't have a applied to this situation?


P. When a manager or coach instructs his/her players to play poorly for
any reason, such as, but not limited to the following, such action may
result in the manager’s removal by the umpire-in-chief, and/or
removal of the manager, coach(es) and/or team from further
tournament play. NOTE: This policy is not intended to prevent a
manager from using lesser-skilled players more frequently if he or she
wishes, even if such action may result in losing a game):
1. losing a game to effect a particular outcome in a Pool Play
Format tournament;
2. so as to lose a game by the 10-run rule;
3. to delay the game until the curfew;
4. to allow an opponent to tie the score so that more innings may
be played, etc.
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Jun 23, 2013
I'm not familiar with Little League, so is there a reason this section wouldn't have a applied to this situation?


P. When a manager or coach instructs his/her players to play poorly for
any reason, such as, but not limited to the following, such action may
result in the manager’s removal by the umpire-in-chief, and/or
removal of the manager, coach(es) and/or team from further
tournament play.

[bold]NOTE: This policy is not intended to prevent a
manager from using lesser-skilled players more frequently if he or she
wishes, even if such action may result in losing a game):[/bold]
1. losing a game to effect a particular outcome in a Pool Play
Format tournament;
2. so as to lose a game by the 10-run rule;
3. to delay the game until the curfew;
4. to allow an opponent to tie the score so that more innings may
be played, etc.

I would assume the bold print explains it. Your guess is as good as mine regarding how LL officials came to their judgment.

I do know their official reason for allowing the play in game was absolute BS, though.

***edit: sorry it did not bold the section, but I'm sure you can see what I'm referring to.

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