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Dec 2, 2013
Conversations between Coach and Parent should begin to diminish at 14U and above as it concerns softball specific activities. At 16U DD's teams began using group texting led by a "captain" to disseminate information such as uniform selection, game arrival time, practices, and team issues. I like that the team is taking care of their own business, but it does drive me bonkers when I am not included especially when changes are made in the middle of the night. We were at the wrong fields 45 minutes away because a change was made that was not emailed to the parents. It was group texted to the players and of course my kid's phone did not accept large group texts. I was livid. It works, but then again the younger players on the team don't drive themselves.

If there is an issue involving team dynamics, methods of coaching, hurt feelings, playing time, etc that should be handled within the team. Our coach tries to run the team like a college program or at least tries to prepare the team for college softball as much as possible. Parents of college players are not there having conversations with the coaches about playing time, early lifting, need to skip practice/game because of homework or studying, don't want to miss a big party, etc. Might as well get used to it now, rather than later.

One caveat. The parent should be the biggest advocate for their own DD...period. TB you can always move on, if you don't like the situation. HS, not so much. Side note: DD played JV BBall last year and had the worst coach ever, EVER! He berated her in the middle of games while she was on the court. One game the AD witnessed it and made sure to apologize to me and DW. I told him that is not how you build and attract players and my DD had decided long before that she will not be playing BBall anymore much to my dismay. That coach is gone now. I really enjoyed watching her play. She told me: Dad I like playing BBall because I can be aggressive and physical. I saw a lot of elbows flying last year. She is a catcher after all.

16U/18U: Captains yes

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