How was your weekend?

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Well DD season was over a couple weeks ago since she did not make All Stars, I have been helping out with most practices though since they only have 4 coaches and two of them are usually only available on weekends leaving just two to run practices, hard to run a practice with two people. I was able to go to the games on Saturday morning we lost both, then won our afternoon game. The S.A. sectionals for rec PONY only had 4 teams (14U) so they did a round robin for seeding, then single elim bracket kinda weird but whatever. So we were last and played the 1st place team that had beat us 8-5 first time around and returned the favor, then Sunday morning we played the winner of the 2nd and 3rd team and beat them 16-5. So overall we were 3-2 but are now the two-time defending S.A. sectional champs, although most of these girls are actually the defending champs from last years 12U sectional championship team. So we are off to regionals, along with everyone else kinda disappointing there were not more teams, the 12U division had twice as many, but anyway it means more softball for these girls probably last year most of them will play rec most of them will make the switch to HS JV and varsity and TB (basically our 14U team every year is a 13yo team)
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Jun 21, 2010
Great weekend for DD, but not for the team. Eliminated first game on Sunday. game went into a tiebreaker and we lost by one. The team who beat us we played against Saturday at 8PM. DD turned her first double ever. Caught a flyball in left and threw out a girl on 1--no cut. Seems this double was a spark that got out team hitting and plenty of RBIs to win the game.

So I asked her how it felt and she said, "awesome". Then told me she didn't think she could throw the ball so far.
Apr 1, 2010
DD's hitting was just so-so this weekend compared to the rest of this season. I'd bet she was below .500. IMO she played well behind the plate though.

Had only one game on Sunday before being knocked out, but a girl tried to steal second on a pitch in the dirt and DD threw her out from her knees. After time had expired, DD caught a beautiful throw from CF and put down a bang-bang tag at the plate to force ITB. Almost did it again to prevent the loss, but the CF needed more time to run the ball down and the throw was just a little later and a little less on target, so sadly, they didn't quite get it done the second time. Tried hard though! If they have to get knocked out, I'm happy to see them go out fighting...
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Jan 18, 2010
In your face
next year when she's at college and looks you in the eyes and asks you for a little money for whatever,

Next year? Man I'll be able to try it out in the next few mins. I told her she should be on that tv show Hoarders, she hoards her money and spends mine!!
Jul 9, 2012
Played up, lost 4 by a combined 5 runs. Had the tieing and go ahead runs on base in every game and we just couldn't get the hit. Played very good competition and hung in, but moral victories aren't the same as a win. But that happens sometimes, but usually not 4 straight. Daughter was 3-7 but only truly squared up 2 balls. She did show some patience this weekend with a couple of walks. Her timing is off, not letting the ball travel. We have state a tune up then World Series and the summer will be over. Been a tough one with parents on the team getting seriously ill, weather shortening or canceling 4 tournaments, and then traveling 500 miles to just totally lay an egg. Team is sitting .500 on the year, but the expectation was higher. But it could go from sour to sweet with a strong finish.
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Jun 11, 2013
Very good Saturday. Lost tough game to eventual #1 seed but wound up second in our bracket in first ASA of season and made Gold bracket. Played 3rd seed from the other bracket in 1st game Sunday. Both pitchers were great. down 1 in top of 6th (last inning because of time). Had R2 AND R3 should have had R1 but had a base running mistake. DD who bats 3rd got up and hit a hard single up the middle to tie, but had to hold runner on 3rd. Our next 2 hitter who are hitting over .500 popped up to keep it 1-1. The scored and won. Still showed out 12U team(All 11 except 1) they could play with anyone. DD hit ball hard all weekend.

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