How is your/your DD's HS team doing?

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Apr 16, 2010
Cannonball, The core of the HS team played 16u last year for Vipers Hays. They are moving up to 18U gold this year. From what I hear there are 6 or 7 DI girls on the HS team. One has signed with an SEC school already and one with another DI. Just an amazing group of girls. I just hope my daughter gets the chance to play with a group like this as she gets older.
Jan 23, 2010
Update on our HS season (no where near as impressive as some of y'all's, I must add!): We got to the field today, ready to play. It was under water. It had rained there, drenching the field with puddles. After a brief thirty minute stop at the field to talk to the opposing girls, our coach to talk to their coach, we got on the bus and rode the two hours home without stopping to get back in time to see some of our boys play. They were ranked #2, lost 6-0 to the #3 seed. However, they still go to regionals. We are going to make up the game tomorrow, most likely.
Jan 30, 2010
Our high school varsity just won a sectional title tonight(first in about 8 yrs i think).Regionals Tuesday. Go Warriors!!
Jan 23, 2010
We made it to the district championship game last night, however, we got our asses handed to us. We lost 21-0. There is no slaughter in championships. We should have won, however, we got down on ourselves and made some errors. We are still going to regionals, however. We play on Monday (Memorial Day!) at 2PM versus a team whose sophomore pitcher has a full ride to Virginia Tech. We have beaten the same team last year, to knock them out for districts (we were in their district last year, in a different one now). We were ranked like #7 and they were #1. If we win Monday, we play Wednesday. Winning on Wednesday means playing in the regional championships on Friday and going to states!

We have got to win these next two games.
Feb 26, 2010
Crazyville IL
Sorry to hear about your rough game Amanda. Good luck on your next two.

Our girls won thier sectional championship today. 6 - 5. They play the team they beat for the state championship Monday in the super sec. If they win that it's state tourney starting Friday.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
DD's team played today at 11:00. Even though they won their conference and the teams in the Regional this year are all from their conference, we were considered the underdogs since the team we were playing has played outstanding ball the past few weeks. In fact, they gave us our only conference loss. Long story short, we went in to the 6th inning trailing 1-0. Then, we erupted for 4 runs. We won and now are on to Sectionals. We play next Wednesday. Our baseball team defeated the same school as well today for their regional championship. If this was not enough, we put our house on the market last week and are completing plans to build our dream home. Naturally, today we were offered and agreed to a contract on it. Why didn't I play the lottery today? Now, we have to find a place to live for then next 6 months. Do any of you have room?


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
DD's team played today at 11:00. Even though they won their conference and the teams in the Regional this year are all from their conference, we were considered the underdogs since the team we were playing has played outstanding ball the past few weeks. In fact, they gave us our only conference loss. Long story short, we went in to the 6th inning trailing 1-0. Then, we erupted for 4 runs. We won and now are on to Sectionals. We play next Wednesday. Our baseball team defeated the same school as well today for their regional championship. If this was not enough, we put our house on the market last week and are completing plans to build our dream home. Naturally, today we were offered and agreed to a contract on it. Why didn't I play the lottery today? Now, we have to find a place to live for then next 6 months. Do any of you have room?

That's good news on many fronts. And, looking on the bright side, its really only like 3 months that you'll need housing - w/ travel ball starting soon, you'll be spending most of your time at the fields for the next 3 months or so - bring a tent and think of all the $ you'll save w/out lodging or travel!


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
Don't think I didn't mention this to my Wife. I have a system of tarps that I use at ball games and so, you would not believe what I can do with them. If we set this up on the ball field at school where I teach and coach, the family can use those facilities and showers. Heck, I'm set!
Mar 22, 2010
Our HS went to state again this year. I think this makes 3rd in a row. But we got put out fairly early. If I'm not mistaken we ended up with 5th out of the state.

Something I've noticed that I guess I just kind of took for granted that other schools did the same thing is that the announcers for our games play "theme" music for each player when they get up to bat. I guess they kind of know their personality and chose the song that fits them best. It is pretty cool. Kind of like our own DJ's.
Jan 23, 2010
We don't even have electricity at our HS field (have to roll the pitching machine really far away to get to a plug so we can use it!) so we don't have music. At other schools, however, they do play music in between innings. Our boys (who have electricity AND running water--what a SHOCKER!) do have music. I like the music.

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