High school tryouts

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Feb 20, 2012
I'm not asking for sympathy and I'm not looking to bash high school softball or coaches. But is this a fair way to do a tryout? I really doubt any player has worked harder over the winter to prepare for this tryout, hitting 4 and 5 times a week. And if she isn't good enough, that's fine. But did she get even get a tryout?

Every school is different, but there was a lot of transition last season between JV and V on our HS team, so just because your DD will start the season on JV, does not mean that she has to end up there. Tell her to work hard for a spot on the varsity roster! I also do not envy coaches who have to make decisions based on indoor workouts. Making cuts after outdoor workouts is hard enough! I have seen great players have a bad day during tryouts, and I have seen some kids look like superstars at tryouts and suck during the season.
Apr 1, 2010
Why don't you guys relocate just a few minutes south? We could sure use you. Besides you'd be helping out Jason's brother ;)

Hehehe. The first time she saw South, S. was bummed out that she wasn't going to be going there. It's such a beautiful school with a gorgeous view and the other, older high school...isn't. I'm sure she'd also really enjoy catching for O.

Jason's brother umped one of our games back in 12U. DD had some nice hits and threw out a girl stealing second on a ball she blocked in the dirt. I don't think he was overjoyed to hear she was headed to his rival. However, a girl who is headed his way next year hit a monster drive to left that game, so I'm sure that helped make up for it. ;-)
Apr 1, 2010
All of us up North are in a tough position when it comes to tryouts. It's hardly ever possible to go outdoors, so this is pretty typical.

Another reason it's really great to have HS softball in the fall. Tryouts are held in August. The only worry is that it will be too hot!


Feb 20, 2012
Yep that's definitely a benefit of JV. Although I will say with daddy glasses that there are 2 freshmen on JV who would be candidates to start on varsity if they had the opportunity to compete for that. But if coaches didn't think enough of them to even put them on varsity, then they probably sit the bench so moot point.

Not to take up for high school coaches, but they have to walk a fine line when benching a junior or senior for a freshman. Unless the freshman is SIGNIFICANTLY better than the upper classman there is little chance they make that move. There are a lot of freshman parents wearing rose colored glasses when evaluating their DD's ability, who will be on the other side of the discussion (as the parent of a junior or a senior) before they know it.
Mar 4, 2015
New England
I agree JAD. And I respect that view that you may reward having been in a program 2-3 years. There was a junior who made it who most definitely was weaker than multiple JV players. And I'm not complaining. Only observing.


Feb 20, 2012
I agree JAD. And I respect that view that you may reward having been in a program 2-3 years. There was a junior who made it who most definitely was weaker than multiple JV players. And I'm not complaining. Only observing.

We had a girl who was a senior last season and she had been in the program for 4 years. She had stopped playing TB and her skills had eroded to the point where I am sure there were 3-4 better options on the bench, but the coach kept her on the team and let her play LF as the flex. She provided some senior leadership in the dugout which I am sure the head coach appreciated more than her contributions on the field.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
That's a great point, riseball! It would really be a drag to sit there on the varsity bench and watch girls she feels she can outplay get all the playing time. Might be a lot more fun in JV.

I use that phase quite a bit when discussing offers with players. You can go chase fair balls for the school that really fits your skills or you can go chase foul balls a Big Name U.
Mar 4, 2015
New England
Here is another twist to this. My daughter plays on a showcase team. She has been in contact with a couple of college coaches. Will college coaches make assumptions because this player is on a JV team?

I will also report that daughter came back from JV practice yesterday saying she had fun and is looking forward to it. That's what matters. I think this discussion helped me get to the root of what bothers me now that the dust has settled. One is the worry that it does not look good on the resume. This is an unusual high school team where everybody is a travel player and the coach IMO did not consider any freshmen for varsity. But that sounds like an excuse.

But that is my regret in this. I think there were 2 freshmen who might not only be in the top 12 on the program but maybe in the top 9. There will be somebody standing in leftfield and batting 8th for the varsity and 2 freshmen didn't get a chance IMO to prove they were better because of the circumstances of tryouts and the apparent fact that the coaching staff had made up their mind beforehand. I understand why they didn't and I'm not complaining about it. But I think it is just human to feel that way.

But like I said, my kid came home happy yesterday and said she had fun. That's why you play. Case closed.

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