High school tryouts

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Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
Their first game is in a week, I do not have any Issue with what the coaches did. Hopefully they did not cut anyone yet, that would really suck.

As other posters have mentioned, keep working, her fate is not set in stone yet.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Also will say that my daughter isn't too upset. She got over it quicker than some JV players that quite frankly weren't even close to making varsity. This is more about me making sense of it. I am not one to be negative. The coach has done this for a long time and did what she thought was best for team and school. There is the competitive daddy in my that says that if she had sat on a bucket behind a pitching screen and given each girl 20 swing that she would have a very different assessment of a couple of girls.

I also will say that daughter has played on travel teams with a couple of the sophomores who made varsity who she thinks she's better than. I know I am just daddy but there are 2 or 3 that could not make her current travel team that made varsity. But they played on JV last year and the coaches know what they can do. I understand and accept that. Obviously that's just my opinion that it was all about seniority, but I think it was obvious enough that it helps my daughter understand and just be happy that she'll play JV and bat high and play all the time.

Would she rather chase fair balls on JV or foul balls on Varsity?
Jun 18, 2012
Around here JV is suited up and ready to play when the varsity plays. In fact, even though there are starters, it's variable. That is, anyone could be put in.
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Apr 1, 2010
DD's freshman season was this fall. They had 7 returning seniors, so basically no room for underclassmen on varsity.

The first day of tryouts, the coaches came over to the field with all the freshman and returning JV/C underclassmen and told them that on varsity, they needed only a catcher and on JV, they needed a pitcher. In other words, anyone on that field who wasn't a catcher didn't have much of a prayer of making varsity and anyone who wasn't a pitcher was going to have to fight to make JV instead of the C team. There was at least one good young freshman TB player on the JV team, DD had played against her a few times; that girl got pulled up to varsity for districts. So the coaches knew about her, they just didn't feel they had room.

Once they see her batting and her outfield work, I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled your DD up later. You've got to have good hitting and a strong outfield!
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Apr 1, 2010
Would she rather chase fair balls on JV or foul balls on Varsity?

That's a great point, riseball! It would really be a drag to sit there on the varsity bench and watch girls she feels she can outplay get all the playing time. Might be a lot more fun in JV.
Jun 18, 2010
DD's freshman season was this fall. They had 7 returning seniors, so basically no room for underclassmen on varsity.

The first day of tryouts, the coaches came over to the field with all the freshman and returning JV/C underclassmen and told them that on varsity, they needed only a catcher and on JV, they needed a pitcher. In other words, anyone on that field who wasn't a catcher didn't have much of a prayer of making varsity and anyone who wasn't a pitcher was going to have to fight to make JV instead of the C team. There was at least one good young freshman TB player on the JV team, DD had played against her a few times; that girl got pulled up to varsity for districts. So the coaches knew about her, they just didn't feel they had room.

Once they see her batting and her outfield work, I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled your DD up later. You've got to have good hitting and a strong outfield!

Why don't you guys relocate just a few minutes south? We could sure use you. Besides you'd be helping out Jason's brother ;)

Ken Krause

May 7, 2008
Mundelein, IL
All of us up North are in a tough position when it comes to tryouts. It's hardly ever possible to go outdoors, so this is pretty typical.

I will say that for the most part around here teams are picked before tryouts ever begin. The coaches know who they had, and are mostly focused on those players. Some know who is coming up, others do not.

But there's a reason the roster is on paper or electronic instead of carved in stone. If a player starts to stand out at the lower levels, and the team has a need for what she does, she'll find her way up. Even if they don't have a need she may find herself there as preparation for next year, although playing time will suddenly become almost non-existent.

The key thing to remember is it doesn't matter where you start the race. Only where you finish.
Mar 4, 2015
New England
Would she rather chase fair balls on JV or foul balls on Varsity?

Yep that's definitely a benefit of JV. Although I will say with daddy glasses that there are 2 freshmen on JV who would be candidates to start on varsity if they had the opportunity to compete for that. But if coaches didn't think enough of them to even put them on varsity, then they probably sit the bench so moot point.
Mar 4, 2015
New England
But there's a reason the roster is on paper or electronic instead of carved in stone. If a player starts to stand out at the lower levels, and the team has a need for what she does, she'll find her way up. Even if they don't have a need she may find herself there as preparation for next year, although playing time will suddenly become almost non-existent.

The key thing to remember is it doesn't matter where you start the race. Only where you finish.

I don't think that is the case on this team. I think it is strict varsity and JV. Unless somebody gets hurt. There was no movement last year.
May 17, 2012
Ken nailed this. I am guessing the coach had a good idea on who he/she wanted for Varsity before the tryouts even started.

If the coach is worth a damn he/she will adjust his lineup accordingly if he wants to win.

Tryouts generally are a poor way to evaluate players (see the NFL combine).

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