H.S. Team as a Gauge for College?

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Jun 4, 2024
Let me see if I can dial in this topic... that may be a sensitive issue. However could be an important thing to take a look at.
The topic is in line with other recent posts regarding players having emotional crossover to their sport experience.

Using playing in high school as a gauge for college. (Not talking about the Talent level of the high school team for college.)
Rather in particular using high school & team *dynamic as a gauge.

(Not a travel team wear people quit and leave whenever they want. Much easier than having to transfer to a different school to play.)

Needing to be able to function within a school & team Dynamic are equally important because the situation includes a combined commitment to the same place.

➡️ Question
From the high school team experience~
if a player cannot handle the different social aspects, that include coaching decisions and teammate interactions, with school schedule,
➡️ if a player cannot handle that. (Like they are crying or always want to quit or have anger towards it. Having resentment and experiencing individual frustration.)

➡️ Is that a good enough gauge signaling that person is not suited to go forward to play on a college team?

(Bring this question up because noticed there are people with back-to-back frustrating years in high school, where it seems as though it's unreasonable frustration, and yet they think they're going to go off to college and suddenly have a different experience that will be purified. If in 4 years of high school ball cannot work out being either flexible or fitting in or handling the adversity. Seems that is an indicator to take into strong consideration!)
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Nov 26, 2010
And in a related yet separate topic. Can parents handle the school vs travel dynamic. It’s a different animal. Your dd has been a starter for 2 years and a 9th grader you never saw before is much better then your dd and they both play SS. Now moving into her junior year your dd is told she is playing CF or second. How do you handle that?
May 27, 2013
Let me see if I can dial in this topic... that may be a sensitive issue. However could be an important thing to take a look at.
The topic is in line with other recent posts regarding players having emotional crossover to their sport experience.

Using playing in high school as a gauge for college. (Not really talking about the Talent level of the high school team for college.)
Rather in particular using high school & team *dynamic as a gauge.

(Not a travel team wear people quit and leave whenever they want. Much easier than having to transfer to a different school to play.)

Needing to be able to function within a school & team Dynamic are equally important because the situation includes a combined commitment to the same place.

➡️ Question
From the high school team experience~
if a player cannot handle the different social aspects, that include coaching decisions and teammate interactions, with school schedule,
➡️ if a player cannot handle that. (Like they are crying or always want to quit or have anger towards it. Having resentment and experiencing individual frustration.)

➡️ Is that a good enough gauge signaling that person is not suited to go forward to play on a college team?

(Bring this question up because noticed there are people with back-to-back frustrating years in high school, where it seems as though it's unreasonable frustration, and yet they think they're going to go off to college and suddenly have a different experience that will suddenly be purified. If in 4 years of high school ball cannot work out being either flexible or fitting in or handling the adversity. Seems that is an indicator to take into strong consideration!)
I would say if a kid does not have the emotional intelligence to handle the potential negatives of HS ball, there is NO way they will be able to handle college ball where mom/dad can’t come to the rescue and try to make things easier for their kid.

There is so much involved with playing college ball that a lot of families don’t realize how much time needs to be devoted to the team, even at the D3 level. Outside of practices/games/team lift there are individual hitting/pitching sessions, team meetings, team dinners, mandatory “volunteer” activities and captain’s practices. There are also weekend social gatherings that are voluntary but frowned upon if one doesn’t attend with the rest of the team.

Somehow they have all of the above and have to attend classes, labs and do well academically!

There are also the typical cancers on the team like you see in HS and travel (if you don’t come across one you are extremely lucky). Your dd has to learn how to deal with this person/people which is not easy.

Then there are the coaches. The coaches who recruited your kid may have entirely different personalities once your dd is on campus. She needs to learn that she is no longer being “courted” and now has to compete with the other players on her team for a starting spot.

Being a college athlete is not for the weak at heart or weak-minded. I would say if your kid constantly complains about or is extremely frustrated with HS ball and trying to juggle school/social life then a serious conversation needs to be had about playing in college. Not everyone is cut out for it, no matter how talented they are.

ETA: and please don’t confuse emotional intelligence with mental health. They are two entirely different things.
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May 16, 2016
And in a related yet separate topic. Can parents handle the school vs travel dynamic. It’s a different animal. Your dd has been a starter for 2 years and a 9th grader you never saw before is much better then your dd and they both play SS. Now moving into her junior year your dd is told she is playing CF or second. How do you handle that?
You go and play 2nd base or center field and be happy about being in the starting lineup.
May 16, 2016
Most of the players that can't figure out a way to stay on the HS softball team, are either just not that good or just a pain in the rear in general to deal with. Very few exceptions to to that statement.
Jun 22, 2008
If a player can't figure out how to survive on a HS team they will never make it on a college team. The last thing a college coach wants to deal with is problems with players getting along.
Apr 14, 2022
High School is for fun, different dynamic. You cannot control talent level of others and playing time.
DD and a couple of other freshmen are getting signicant playing time on varsity. If they had been a year older would play little if any since last years senior class was loaded.
Apr 14, 2022
There are many HS in my area where HS ball is serious and they compete hard to win Districts and make the State playoffs. There are cuts. I would hardly say it’s just for fun. Many talented players are cut every year.
Not just for fun but should be fun. Can’t control that you’re a good pitcher, but in the same class as Jordy Bahl.

DD’s team did make cuts and will push hard to go through districts. Some playing jv would be a star on other area varsities.

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