Gloves for Pitchers

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Mar 13, 2010
Just wanted a clarification on gloves pitchers can wear. I know they can't wear a glove that is the same colour as the ball, but what about multi-coloured gloves? A pitcher came on with a white and black glove my last game and we found it incredibly distracting batting against her.


Jun 22, 2008
Just wanted a clarification on gloves pitchers can wear. I know they can't wear a glove that is the same colour as the ball, but what about multi-coloured gloves? A pitcher came on with a white and black glove my last game and we found it incredibly distracting batting against her.

What rules set and what color was the ball?
Mar 13, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
What constitutes a legal glove for the pitcher is one of those rules where every sanctioning body has their own take on it. There are, literally, as many different versions of this rule as there are sanctioning bodies! A glove that's perfectly legal for one might very well be illegal for another.

So, yes, to give the right answer to this one you would have to know which sanctioning body you're playing for.
Feb 26, 2010
Crazyville IL
You might also keep a sharpie or 6 in your bag to black out any offending color on the gloves. The gloves that my pitchers used all season at ASA tournaments in 10u were suddenly illegal at ASA nationals that first year. We ended up blacking out logos that had yellow in them on the wrist straps of thier gloves.
May 7, 2008
I believe that the last time Bretman addressed this, the rules specifically state that logos do not fall under "prohibited colors." I was waiting for Bret to respond, but I think in ASA you are allowed 2 colors on the pitcher's glove.
Feb 26, 2010
Crazyville IL
Agreed Amy. However, during the pre-game inspection of an elimination game didn't seem to be the best place for a discussion on rules interpetation with the umps. Sharpie did the trick. We lost anyway so maybe I should have argued the point. Hind sight is always 20/20 :D
Mar 13, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
I believe that the last time Bretman addressed this, the rules specifically state that logos do not fall under "prohibited colors." I was waiting for Bret to respond, but I think in ASA you are allowed 2 colors on the pitcher's glove.

Actually, it is the high school (NFHS) that says a glove can have a maximum of two colors and that the glove's logo and lacing are not considered to be one of the colors permitted.

The ASA rule for the pitcher's glove is probably one of the simplier ones out there. The glove can be a single color or multicolored (no limit on how many different colors) as long as the colors are not the same as the ball being used in the game.

And I'm sure that if you're playing for a different santioning body, the rule will be different!
Mar 3, 2010
Suburb of Chicago, IL
what about the "M" logo that it looks like Jordan Taylor had added to her glove

Sorry to drag up an old thread... But when referring to legal gloves for pitchers... what about the "M" logo on Jordan Taylor's glove. I saw it during the Kentucky game (see attached picture). The Michigan logo (about 5 inches big) is on the outside of the glove. It was clearly visible when she brings her hands together at the beginning of the pitch. Just wondering if it is "legal" in NCAA play. It is white so matches the other colors on the glove, doesn't match the ball color, and was allowed in the game, so it is probably legal... just looks like it was painted on the glove and not part of the physical makeup of the glove which raises the question for me.

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Mar 13, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
Here's the college rule:

Gloves/mitts worn by players may not be the color of the ball but may be any combination of other colors. The pitcher’s glove and its lacing shall be tan, brown, gray, white or black, or any combination of those colors. The manufacturer’s logos are not considered a glove color. Adding adhesive or creating a sticky or tacky coating to a legal glove, renders the glove illegal.

Sounds like she's good to go- as evidenced by the fact that the NCAA umpires, who are on top of this stuff, let her use it throughout the season!

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