Glove relacing or tightening

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Jan 29, 2016
Alright.... i went ahead and relaced the web and fingers. Let me know if you see something I did wrong. Thanks.IMG_3048.JPGIMG_3049.JPGIMG_3050.JPGIMG_3053.JPG
Jul 29, 2013
North Carolina
Spiral looks nice, the fingers look a little strangled, I know they'll loosen up but the leather looks a little stressed to me. I personally never let the fingertips touch each other, but that's just me. Where'd you buy the lace?
Jan 29, 2016
Spiral looks nice, the fingers look a little strangled, I know they'll loosen up but the leather looks a little stressed to me. I personally never let the fingertips touch each other, but that's just me. Where'd you buy the lace?
Thanks for the advice. I will loosen up those fingers a bit. I bought the lace and needles from Buy fastpitch gloves. Shipping was pretty fast for the USPS.
Jan 29, 2016
You have any problem on each end of the spiral where you had to double loop the lace into one hole?
Getting the lace situated in the hole at the start of the spiral ( pinky side ) where the web lace was already there was a little tough but not difficult. It took me about 2 hours maybe 2 and 1/2. Taking my time, cleaning the thing (it was dirty), taking lots of pictures at each step and drinking an adult beverage or 4. Toughest part I think was getting that old crusty lace out.
May 7, 2015
Looks good, I'd echo the statement that the finger laces are too tight. There should be a *tiny* gap of light between the fingers. I start tightening them up once the glove structure is falling off to get the most life out of the glove. Your glove looks good and looks to have a lot of structure in it still. Nice job
May 23, 2015
Easy stuff. Nice job! Look at the slack at the check mark thats perfect the other 2 are too tight. You want daylight between your fingertips. You'll have to adjust those before the game of catch and the snug them up

Now get after the rest of the glove. The fun stuff awaits

Jul 29, 2013
North Carolina
Toughest part I think was getting that old crusty lace out.
That’s where a small pair of needle nose pliers and a small 90 degree hook tool really come in handy. Or do like me and just cut the old lace in between the fingers to pull out small pieces.

But in your case I understand wanting to follow every piece and how they overlap.
Jan 29, 2016
That’s where a small pair of needle nose pliers and a small 90 degree hook tool really come in handy. Or do like me and just cut the old lace in between the fingers to pull out small pieces.

But in your case I understand wanting to follow every piece and how they overlap.
Once I saw how it routes through the first finger I started cutting away. I watched a couple of videos on how the spiral should be done at each end. The web laces came out fairly easily.

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