Front Elbow

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May 22, 2008
I'm a hitting instructor, and I have a client who can't seem to keep her front elbow down during her swing. Can you give me a couple drills to fix this?
May 22, 2008
I don't have any photos right now, but I can get one later this week!

When she swings, her front elbow stays quite a few inches away from her body, which creates a greater downward angle of her bat when it goes through the strike zone. If her timing if off at all, the ball is "topped" on inside pitches, and she pops up outside pitches towards the 3rd base dugout (she is left-handed).
Oct 25, 2009
I don't have any photos right now, but I can get one later this week!

When she swings, her front elbow stays quite a few inches away from her body, which creates a greater downward angle of her bat when it goes through the strike zone. If her timing if off at all, the ball is "topped" on inside pitches, and she pops up outside pitches towards the 3rd base dugout (she is left-handed).

Take a look at the thread Model Swings, post 11 by FiveFrameSwing. This is a beautiful swing. Notice the elbows.
Oct 12, 2009
When she swings, her front elbow stays quite a few inches away from her body, which creates a greater downward angle of her bat when it goes through the strike zone. If her timing if off at all, the ball is "topped" on inside pitches, and she pops up outside pitches towards the 3rd base dugout (she is left-handed).

This sounds like the front elbow may be too far away from her body, which can be a problem, but getting it down isn't the answer.

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Dec 6, 2009
This sounds like the front elbow may be too far away from her body, which can be a problem, but getting it down isn't the answer.


Chris would you consider at frame 48 or possibly 49 the the elbow is stacked up with the hand?

Very nice clip in my opinion!

Thanks Howard
Oct 12, 2009
Chris would you consider at frame 48 or possibly 49 the the elbow is stacked up with the hand?

I don't know if that's literally true. It kind of depends on how you define "up". However, I have seen that work as a cue (which is why i think FFS's criticisms of you are picking nits if not just plain off base).

Another related concept is what I call the Vertical V (which is the same as the connection point and some people's Power V).

I don't use Power V to describe this because, around here at least, when people say Power V they are talking about extension at the POC (ala Lau Sr.).
Jan 14, 2009
Atlanta, Georgia
I don't have any photos right now, but I can get one later this week!

When she swings, her front elbow stays quite a few inches away from her body, which creates a greater downward angle of her bat when it goes through the strike zone. If her timing if off at all, the ball is "topped" on inside pitches, and she pops up outside pitches towards the 3rd base dugout (she is left-handed).

I'm confused. Usually the front elbow collasping is what causes a downward swing plane. If I keep my front elbow up until contact I cannot swing down. In the HLBB swing the front forearm should be about letter high as the back elbow tucks. Ideally it will stay up into contact. Immediately following contact the front elbow collaspses and the wrist roll over during the follow through.

I agree with softballphreak that the swings in Post #11 of the "Model Swing" thread are good examples of how the arms and elbows should work. Notice how the rear elbow on the FP player works independently from her front elbow/forearm.


Dec 6, 2009
I don't know if that's literally true. It kind of depends on how you define "up". However, I have seen that work as a cue (which is why i think FFS's criticisms of you are picking nits if not just plain off base).

Another related concept is what I call the Vertical V (which is the same as the connection point and some people's Power V).

I don't use Power V to describe this because, around here at least, when people say Power V they are talking about extension at the POC (ala Lau Sr.).


Again thanks for the clip.

I agree the power V as used by people I know is at POC and means the elbows are both locked out

Softball the Magazine also has a male with this same position on the front cover this month.

Crystl and I were working with a high school doing a clinic last week and discussed this and had a good laugh as too what some people use as cues and how they teach verses what they see on video.

Crystl and I will be out in San Diego in September doing a coaches clinic and a two day hitting clinic. Are you close to the area?

Thanks again for the clip.


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