Drop dead time limit

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Aug 25, 2019
DD' team just finished her first ever drop dead time limit tournament. The games were hour 15 minutes, and I have to say I don't like it at all. Even though it won us a game- we (home team) were up 5-4 top 5 with less than two minutes. First player gets on base, and with 15 seconds remaining, 2nd player hits a 2 run homer to put them up, but since time was up, it reverted back to previous inning score so we won. Bad way to end a game, plus too much nonsense with killing clock (other team took five minutes to take the field!.) Tourney directors love it because every thing stays on schedule, but our team always played finish the inning. The tourney schedule gets screwed up more often than not, put its the way it should be.
Aug 19, 2015
Atlanta, GA
I've only really seen that format for showcases, and even then, it's usually "finish the batter." That sucks for that team you were playing. Seems like that format invites all sorts of clock manipulation shenanigans (e.g., mound visit where everyone talks about their favorite Waffle House item; we had a coach who used to do that).


Allergic to BS
Nov 14, 2014
I generally don't like it, but can tolerate it during pool play. Have never seen the inning reversion thing...the game score just stands where it is. I wouldn't even sign up for a tournament that did that during bracket play.
Jun 23, 2019
New Hampshire
Drop dead is tough my DDs team lost a game when they were actually winning
Drop dead rule went into effect with 2 outs in the bottom half of the inning but they revert back to the last completed inning. The worst part was there wasn’t another game after them! It needs to be used with common sense. Unfortunately many of these tournaments aren’t for the game there for the money. Just my opinion I have no facts to back the last statement up.
Apr 28, 2014
Timed softball is awful
Today DDs team lost 2-1 in a great game out in Tennessee. Only 6 innings. There is a reason why college ball doesn't have time limits, some of the best softball occurs in the 7th
Aug 25, 2019
I don't mind a timed game when you can finish the inning, and in NY, high school doesn't have timed games, only middle school is a 2 hour limit.
Jun 23, 2019
New Hampshire
Drop dead has bitten our team more than once. Ready for another? You couldn’t make this stuff up:bases loaded
Drop dead time under ten minutes opposing coach slowly strolls out to the mound then slowly back. Closer to 5 minutes now. Next pitch she rolls it on the ground!! No one knew what to do..next pitch rolled again this time the batter hits it fair ump immediately throws his hands in the air “dead ball dead ball“ both coaches go crazy after long discussion ump rules drop time rule game over end of discussion never got an explanation on why he called dead ball if he allowed the pitch why couldn’t he allow the hit?
True story
Jun 22, 2008
If the umpire is allowing the team 5 minutes to get on the field then someone needs to have a little chat with the umpire and the UIC. The teams have 1 minute between innings to throw not more than 5 warm up pitches. The 1 minute starts immediately upon the 3rd out of the previous 1/2 inning. You are paying to play ball, not to take 5 minutes between innings to get on the field.

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