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Feb 20, 2012
Last Spring there was a team that played in our state qualifiers who were obviously outmatched by every team they played - I will call them team 'XYZ'. We were getting ready to warm up for our next game when we saw a team (I will call them team 'ABC') playing team XYZ and they were stealing bases, bunting and running up the score when they were already up 19-0. Our girls, and coaching staff, got pissed off and could not believe the lack of sportsmanship we were witnessing on the part of team ABC's coaching staff. It just so happened that the next qualifier we played team ABC. Needless to say our girls used the game they saw as motivation and every time they got into a huddle, instead of ending with a motivational saying like "defense" or "3 runs", they ended with "Team XYZ". We stomped team ABC into a mudhole 16-1 in that game and their coaches still cannot figure out what happened. Karma is a bit$%, and you never know who is watching!


Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
Last Spring there was a team that played in our state qualifiers who were obviously outmatched by every team they played - I will call them team 'XYZ'. We were getting ready to warm up for our next game when we saw a team (I will call them team 'ABC') playing team XYZ and they were stealing bases, bunting and running up the score when they were already up 19-0. Our girls, and coaching staff, got pissed off and could not believe the lack of sportsmanship we were witnessing on the part of team ABC's coaching staff. It just so happened that the next qualifier we played team ABC. Needless to say our girls used the game they saw as motivation and every time they got into a huddle, instead of ending with a motivational saying like "defense" or "3 runs", they ended with "Team XYZ". We stomped team ABC into a mudhole 16-1 in that game and their coaches still cannot figure out what happened. Karma is a bit$%, and you never know who is watching!

Love it!!!


Jun 22, 2008
so coaches have to agree to it

This is a perfect example of why you should never agree to anything where something needs to be approved by both teams. One of the reasons that anytime I see the phrase "mutually agreed upon" by both parties, I amend the document to scratch that portion. If the other party doesn't like the idea of making a commitment up front, then I guess we will not be doing business.

Most of the times it is not a big deal, but get burned on time on a deal like this, and you will understand. I've seen it in tournaments where a TD just threw that phrase out there about a time limit on a championship game and it almost caused a fist fight at the pre-game meeting at the plate.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Of course, he also has a monster of a team (his pitcher literally outweighed my pitcher by about 130 lbs). After getting outscored 30-1 in two games, I had to wonder, what was the point of putting my young team through this?

Why are the teams so unevenly matched in a league? Are these teams from different organizations?
Jan 27, 2010
DD played an 18 tourney this weekend that had the 5 run rule. Who would of thought but boy did we need it. DD was playing CF and saw more action than 1st base. 8 PO in CF, 1 two run homer and about 6 LDs to the fence. That just ain't right.
Feb 1, 2012
The question I have is how were the runs scored by the monster team?

If you play ball long enough you will be on the loosing and winning end of a lot of ugly games. My DD played ball for a MONSTER Little League team this year. They went to the JR Softball World Series this year and came in Fifth in the world. The team is made of a bunch of A level travel ball players Most of them playing up in age. Playing against a bunch of girls that play little league only. We had games this year that got on the ugly side, many times. Winning games by 20 or more. We knew what we were and the other teams knew what we were. We were a team that got knocked out of the finals of the Eastern Regonals the year before so the goal was to go back.

Before every game we would ask if we could play the 5 run rule. Only one time did a team say that they wanted to do it. Us parents were very happy that game cause we knew we it would not be a three hour game. Every time we did our best to keep the score down by not taking extra bases, not stealing on past balls, and some times leaving base early to give them an out. The thing is as a coach of a team like that you can't ask a player to go up there and strike out. You can't ask your pitcher to slow down so they can hit it. Many games we would have the bases loaded and a girl would hit one to the fence and the coach would hold every one to one base. There was a game this year where we scored 14 runs in the first inning and there were no outs. There was 1 hit that inning with 17 walks. It is hard to not have lopsided games when the other teams pitcher is rolling it on the ground and bouncing it off the back stop on every pitch. We couldn't even bunt! That game we left base early 9 times. After the game a parent on the loosing team told us that he did't think it was very nice of us giving them those 9 outs. It is hard to be nice and not insult some one in games like that but we did our best. In Little League you are going to have games like this. If you are getting games like this in travel ball then one team is not playing in the class they should be.

If the other team is winning big by stealing bases, bunting, taking extra bases then they are showing no class.
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
Against equal competition I have no problem putting "a 10 spot" on them. Unevened competition, I'm going give my #4-5-6 pitcher some circle time, and let my girls play those positions they could only WISH they could in a real game.

If I saw a coach "happy" about beating a team 30-1, I'd follow him around for 2 years letting my girls slap the taste out of his mouth on the scoreboard. There is no honor in what that coach did.
Mar 28, 2013
I can see how this can Happen in C ball. Its unfortunate, but can we agree there are no "Monster" teams playing C ball. Jeez. I would love to send you a few "pickup" players next time you play them.
Feb 19, 2012
West US
I coached against a guy like this, Of my team, 8 went on to play select and/or HS ball. One of his did, his DD ahe she may graduate on JV. He ruined one of the best players the league had ever seen.. Did I mention this guy know little about the sport or rules, but watches BB so he know it all.
Oct 4, 2011
I see a lot of great coaching in this sport; unfortunately I see a lot of arrogance as well. I'm sorry the OP had to go through this; on the other hand, the team should feel proud that they stuck in it. Make sure you tell your team how proud you are of them and point out all of the good things that they did; I'm sure there were some!

P.S - I like the five run rule for development better than the "no stealing" rule. I don't like the no stealing rule because it fails to develop catchers. Play big girl rules but limit to five runs. I saw the cutest thing ever this weekend - little seven year old baseball boys playing on a tiny little grass infield diamond. Stealing, leading off, scoring on PBs, all was permitted, just limited to five runs. Everyone seemed to be having fun. (oh - and illegal pitches were called as well!! :) )
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