DDs have homes

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Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
That was easy. a little research, an honest assessment of the girls and a couple of phone calls and one workout and both have homes for the fall that fit their needs well. I wish everyone had access to the amount of teams we had in SoCal so they didn't have to make so many compromises.


older DD is a pitcher only that can swing a bat, she will never be high level at base running or anything else. that's sounds harsh but it is true, she spent the last season being yelled at for being a bad third baseman when she wasn't pitching, a position she never had any interest in and almost zero natural ability at except the arm. So we found a team for her where she is a #1 pitcher and is needed in the lineup but does not have to play defense. she can play part time in the fall and gets 6 weeks off before things kick up again. This works well with her desire to take it easy and just work on her pitching and hitting instead of having to try to be good at some thing she has no interest in.

Little DD was offered a spot on a team that went to PGF but was just a notch below the team she Played with last season so she can be a core player and not hover around that bottom of the order. Her goal last season was to prove to herself she could play with the big girls, her goal now is to see if she can help lead a team.


Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
You don't have to wish for me. You could just adopt my dd for the summer! Hell take my soccer daughter too!

Ah never mind! I don't wish the soccer girl on anyone! She thinks her blonde hair and smile means the world should be honored to take care of her.
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