DD had tryouts and made her decision

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Aug 26, 2011
Houston, Texas
Very proud of her and sad too because she is growing up for reals this time! She talked with both of us...contacted her HS coach (as a 3rd party consult), and came to the conclusion on which team she should choose. We think she did right, she chose a team that isn't with a huge organization but they are sponsored by Mizuno (but then a lot of teams are), has 5 experienced coaches on staff (including a recruiting coach who has his own recruiting company LOL), dues are reasonable, only 3 pitchers (she is one), roster will only be 15 (not 18-20 like she is used to), and it's only 10-15 min from home (versus 1 - 1.25 hours like we have been doing for last 2 years). She made all the phone calls on her own (including calling coaches of other teams that offered her a spot to turn them down!). Made me nervous but she asked all the questions without fail. Really hoping they send out parent emails too! Will find out at the parent/player meeting soon.

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