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Jan 2, 2014
This weekend we were playing one of those games that just keeps you biting your nails. I was the 3rd base coach. We had a girl on 1st and one batting. The batter hit to short stop and was thrown out at first. The girl on first ran and had to push the defenses 2nd baseman off the bag because she was standing on it in order to round to third (no play was being made at 2nd). After the 1st baseman made the out she threw the ball to 3rd in an effort to get the runner out. The throw was a little off(towards left field) and the 3rd baseman had to leave the bag to get the ball. It was going to be close and I was trying to get the girl to slide. She slid in and the ump called he safe but then called her out because of obstruction from the 3rd base coach (myself). Apparently, it was my duty to see the girl run up behind and around me on her way back to 3rd base and make an effort to move out of the way. I did try to move once I noticed her coming around me but it was too late. Also, the field we played at didn't have any designated coaches box marked.
I challenged the umps on the call. He did acknowledge the obstruction on 2nd base but said the penalty for that would be the runner would have been awarded 2nd base, but since she made it there safely there would be no penalty. My argument was that the obstruction on 2nd base is the reason why they play was so close at 3rd. My opinion the obstruction was at 2nd advancing to 3rd so the penalty would be the runner would be awarded 3rd base and the coach obstruction is a mute point.
I would like to add that there was no intention for me to obstruct the play, I just didnt see her run up behind me. I am confused when you have multiple penalties on a play how are they assessed? We were playing 8U USSSA rules.
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Jun 22, 2008
First off, defense obstructs, offense interferes. You were called for interference, not obstruction. I will agree with you on the obstruction at 2nd, if your runner was attempting to round the base, they were not only obstructed on the way to 2nd, they were obstructed through the base and on the way to 3rd.

Im having a hard time envisioning how F5 ended up behind the 3rd base coach if the throw from 1st was off line toward left field. The interference call is something a person would have to have been there to see in person. But to answer your question, interference always takes precedence over obstruction. Yes there should have been on obstruction call at 2nd which would have protected your runner between 2nd and 3rd, but, interference takes precedence and would have negated the obstruction call.
Mar 2, 2013
The mechanics here are all funky too. You don't call a runner safe and then call her out for interference. If the runner reached third, then the ball is no longer delayed dead (assuming an accurate umpire properly protected the runner to 3rd base).

USSSA does not cancel the obstruction for COACH'S interference. In order for it to be canceled, the obstructed runner must commit an act of interference...
Jun 22, 2008
I need to rephrase part of my answer, on an act of interference by an obstructed runner the interference always takes precedence over the obstruction.
Oct 25, 2013
DFW Area
... Apparently, it was my duty to see the girl run up behind and around me on her way back to 3rd base and make an effort to move out of the way. ....

yes, that was your duty ... coaches need to be aware and not interfere with play ... the lines of the coaching box play no part
Mar 26, 2013
First off, defense obstructs, offense interferes. You were called for interference, not obstruction. I will agree with you on the obstruction at 2nd, if your runner was attempting to round the base, they were not only obstructed on the way to 2nd, they were obstructed through the base and on the way to 3rd.
If the runner is protected to 3B, can there be coach's interference without an opportunity to make an out?

If the obstruction occurred prior to the out at 1B, would the play at 1B cancel the protection between 2B and 3B?

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