Compliment from an unlikely source

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Nov 14, 2011
Brag time - Sorry in advance.

A little bit about my DD and her current situation. She recently injured her left leg while pitching. She was about 20 pitches into her session and her plant foot slipped on wet ground and pulled her quad muscle in her left leg (RH pitcher). For the past 2-1/2 weeks she has been on ibuprofen, stretching exercises and rest. A lot of rest. She hasn't been able to practice with the team (she never misses practice but she was mostly standing around watching) and has missed 3 pitching lessons during this time.

Fast forward to today. Our coaches played my DD in the first game at SS, and she sat the second game to rest. The third game she was the starting pitcher against a good team. She struggled with control and lacked speed for the first two innings. In the third inning she hit second gear and began to gain form. She pitched the final four innings by not giving up a run and recording 6 K's. We won the game 9-2.

After the game the home plate umpire was asking our team and coach who was the pitcher. He walked up to her and said that she pitched a great game. When does that happen? We all criticize the umpires from time to time, (including me) but when have you heard of an umpire seeking the pitcher to congratulate them?

For my DD the past 3 weeks has been horrible. She hasn't missed many practices and never because of injury. For my DD to stand around and watch her teammates practice without her is tough. Finally it appears that her leg is finally getting better and maybe after some kind words by the home umpire, she will have some confidence back as well.

Thanks Blue!
Apr 14, 2013
Long Island
Dude, nice story. Little moments like that are real gems and restore my faith in humankind. Great that your DD battled back from an injury and got recognition, from Blue, no less! You are obviously doing something right with her.
Dec 16, 2012
When I played HS baseball ( many Moons ago ) we had one particular umpire who would occassionally attend the after game pep talk given on the bench by our coach. He would praise good plays, congradulate players, and even explain some of his calls to the players if asked politely.
He was a very good and fair umpire. He was very well respected.

Sounds like you DD sucked it up and played very well despite her injury. She deserved his kind words.
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