College Showcase Stats...?'s

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Oct 2, 2015
Questions for you on various stations they have at College Showcases/Skills Camps.
At the College Showcases/Camps my DD has been to they measure certain criteria to categorize them by skill level.
Throwing speed, Zepp bat speed, Ball of the tee speed, Base running times and agility times (similar to a shuttle run)

But they never measure the maximum distance a ball is hit.
I suppose the only way they could truly have a level playing field when it came to maximum distance for a ball hit would be hitting off of a Tanner tee, where there isn't any variability.
Or hit off of a pitching machine at a consistent speed.

But why don't they measure maximum ball distance hit at girls/women's softball Showcases?
Wouldn't that be a good way to measure batting power?
Do they do it for boys/men at college baseball showcases?

Just curious... Thanks
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Feb 20, 2012
There are a lot of variables (wind, condition of the ball, pitch speed, ect) that factor into the distance a softball travels, so you are not always comparing apples-to-apples. Having someone in the outfield trying to measure maximum distance would also be a chore. Maybe they could get one of those screens like they use in golf simulators. It measures ball speed and trajectory to estimate the flight path. Not an exact science, but it would be better than nothing. A lot of coaches show up and watch BP, so if a girl is hitting bombs in BP it will catch the coaches attention.

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