Bushnell radar gun question

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Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
So, I hold down the trigger while the ball is heading my way. I get one reading (say 47 mph) while still holding the trigger down, and then when I release the trigger it gives another reading (say 50 mph).

Which is correct? For those who've used one of those guns.


Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
hmmm....I don't use it in this mode. I use the "fastest" speed mode. You squeeze the trigger once and release you see the little radar bar signal, then with finger off the trigger then point it at the pitch. After the pitch, squeeze the trigger again quickly and it will give you the fastest reading recorded. Squeeze again and it is ready for the next pitch. This is on the speedster III though, it may have changed in the past year with the newer model.


Feb 20, 2012
Not 100% sure, so I would suggest you check the Bushnell users manual, but if I had to guess, I would say that 50 MPH was the maximum speed of the pitch, while the 47 MPH was the average speed.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Thanks, guys. I used to know how to use it, but forgot and can't find the manual. :) I was depressing the trigger throughout the pitch. Then released after the ball was caught. Maybe I should've depressed and released before the pitch and just waited for a reading. Will experiment again tomorrow.
Jun 22, 2008
Dont know if this applies to your model or not.

A target can be anything that is moving faster than 10 M.P.H. To
acquire the speed of a target, with the Velocity powered on, aim the
Velocity at the target and depress the TRIGGER. An icon will appear
in the upper right corner of the LCD display. This indicates the Doppler
Radar is functioning. The radar will continue to be active searching for
speed until the trigger is released. Upon release of the trigger, the
fastest speed captured within that series will automatically be displayed.
The speed of the target will appear on the LCD display in MPH.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Dont know if this applies to your model or not.

A target can be anything that is moving faster than 10 M.P.H. To
acquire the speed of a target, with the Velocity powered on, aim the
Velocity at the target and depress the TRIGGER. An icon will appear
in the upper right corner of the LCD display. This indicates the Doppler
Radar is functioning. The radar will continue to be active searching for
speed until the trigger is released. Upon release of the trigger, the
fastest speed captured within that series will automatically be displayed.
The speed of the target will appear on the LCD display in MPH.

Very good. That's similar to what I recall learning when I got it. So it appears that the reading after I release the trigger is the fastest speed of the throw/pitch. I wonder why I get a reading before releasing the trigger. Perhaps it's as JAD said, that it's the average speed.
Apr 16, 2013
I've got the same model. It's recording different speeds as the ball travels, so the 47 you see is the last speed it recorded. When you release the trigger you're seeing the fastest speed it recorded.

Another tip when using this gun, get it as directly in the path of the ball as you can. It's cheap and does the job, but doesn't handle angles well at all. You'll notice a few mph difference if you're standing up behind a cage/screen and clocking the ball as it's well below you then when you're right behind the catcher/target and pointing the gun right at the ball in its flight path.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
I've got the same model. It's recording different speeds as the ball travels, so the 47 you see is the last speed it recorded. When you release the trigger you're seeing the fastest speed it recorded.

Another tip when using this gun, get it as directly in the path of the ball as you can. It's cheap and does the job, but doesn't handle angles well at all. You'll notice a few mph difference if you're standing up behind a cage/screen and clocking the ball as it's well below you then when you're right behind the catcher/target and pointing the gun right at the ball in its flight path.

Thanks, great feedback. Today, I was checking the speed of an overhand throw, and I was catching w/ my left and holding the gun w/ my right, so I was pointing right at the throw as it was headed at me. It's been helpful to measure the progress of my daughter's shoulder rehab.

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