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Oct 5, 2009
At the Jewel in San Diego
So I'm sure many of us pay for our dd's extra pitching, hitting, maybe fielding coaches. So being that we invest these dollars into our kids....

Example this weekend was we were at cages and since my kid as been going to a new hitting coach she actually been hitting. Coach questioned her stance and swing, and then asked me if she's seeing a hitting coach? I was all like..... Really Bruh? LOL. That her swing needs work he says. So my reply was "oh?" What I really wanted to tell him was, since my kid has been on your team shes always gotten on base and has hit some balls to the fences which has lead to some RBI's, and oh, has never struck out!"

Whats your take on your dd's coach attempting to make minor/major adjustments to your kid? Do you accept it or do you question and politely say, our xyz coach is working on that with her.
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Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
DD can hit, I will always wonder how she would do with a good hitting coach.

They can make any minor or major modifications but she will almost always get back where she is because we do not spend enough time with them.

Hitting I think you need to go backwards for a little while in order to go forward.
Oct 13, 2014
Metro ATL
My DD coach wants her to raise her front foot (as part of the swing). I have paid good money to great coaches to refine her swing to where it is today. She does not lift her front foot. We have this discussion several times throughout the year and my position will not change.

For the record, she is batting just fine (and he has the stats to prove it)!
Aug 26, 2015
My DD coach wants her to raise her front foot (as part of the swing). I have paid good money to great coaches to refine her swing to where it is today. She does not lift her front foot. We have this discussion several times throughout the year and my position will not change.

For the record, she is batting just fine (and he has the stats to prove it)!

Is the coach giving a reason for wanting that change?
Jun 12, 2015
My husband's an AC and he tries to be very aware of the kids who have hitting coaches and not contradicting them, even if he disagrees. He doesn't want to confuse the girls or piss off the parents, who obviously don't want to have what they're paying for be undone. He's a fan of of the rotational hitting, arms close (that triangle) and NOT stepping with the front foot. I've seen some girls who have been in hitting lessons a long time whose hitting is still a big mess and I have to wonder what the coach they're paying is telling them, exactly.


Feb 20, 2012
Whats your take on your dd's coach attempting to make minor/major adjustments to your kid? Do you accept it or do you question and politely say, our xyz coach is working on that with her.

I would never try to correct a players swing if I knew her parents were paying for hitting lessons, especially at the beginning of the season. If she is batting less than her weight mid-way through the season we may to talk about making some changes, but if she is hitting above .300 I will never say a word.....the same applies for pitchers who are taking pitching lessons.
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
If the thread is going here, I never interfere when a player is taking lessons. I just give the player reps and will say something to the parent if, IMO, I disagree.

They just will not play if they do not perform, they can hit and pitch however they want.
Aug 26, 2015
That is his preferred method and it works for his daughter. I've had significant discussions with my DD hitting instructor about this. I am inclined to follow the advice and recommendations of her hitting instructor.
I don't blame you....if you have results with what you're doing. Preference is not a good enough reason to go against an instructor imho.

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