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Nov 29, 2009
All too often we're caught up with the daily challenges of raising our kids we fail to see the big picture and THE most important thing we do as parents. That being, what type of "People" are we raising?

You watch the kids grow up and wonder how they'll turn out. Hopefully, they turn out like her. The young woman in the article has been a close friend of my daughters since they played travel and HS softball together. She has been like one of my own kids throughout the years through joy and adversity.

It goes by soooooo fast you wonder where it went. I can still remember the silly teenage things they did together like it was yesterday.

Vernon Hills cop recognized for helping save woman's life - Vernon Hills Review | Vernon Hills Review


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
Thanks for the post. A great story about big picture perspective and a remarkable young lady. Sounds like she stayed cool under pressure and did what she'd been trained to do and then didn't make a big deal about doing her job. Important life skills that I'm sure were nurtured, at least in part, during her softball playing days.
Apr 30, 2010
Artic Circle
Great stuff and also good to hear about a police officer doing something positive...something we do not hear much about these days.

Thanks for the post!
Feb 12, 2014
Great stuff and also good to hear about a police officer doing something positive...something we do not hear much about these days.

Thanks for the post!

I take exception to your comment, the things police officers do on a daily basis are normally positive, the media likes to highlight the bad things!
Dec 11, 2010
The only time a cop won't be criticized in some way for whatever good action they take will be when they act like a fireman as in this case. There is an old saying in law enforcement, "if you want everyone to like you, become a fireman..."

Pretty much no matter what a cop does, it will be wrong. His or her actions will either be described as over zealous and unnecessary or inadequate and incompetent. The comments are always at the far ends of the spectrum, "They didn't need to have their guns drawn" or "they don't do anything". The truth is almost always somewhere in the middle.

Again, nice job by the Vernon Hills officer. Sounds like she did her job and had no intention of seeking recognition which I really admire. Back to our regularly scheduled softball talk!

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