Best friends rude to each other at practice

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Apr 1, 2010
I know (especially my dd) has trouble being happy for her teammates success. Not to the point that anyone else would notice, but in our post game private discussions, I have to be super positive with my comments about the other girls to set the tone.

Now today, I went on 11 yr old dd field trip. We played slow pitch softball. On way home the best discription I had for several of the boys in her grade and I appoligized to her and on here but I said the boys in your grade are "butt holes". I told them mid game that the opposite team gets 1 point every time I here a mean comment from a boy to his teammates. By inning 2, 2 boys left crying because they were hurt, physically, by their own teammates. One boy got yelled at NON stop. I asked dd about him. She said he is the best athlete in their class...has been to Florida in the utrip world series twice, and smokes everyone in track. She said he is super nice, quiet, timid, and several of the other boys bring him to tears at least once a week. I saw it happen today.

I am just sick thinking about my adhd son growing up in this atmosphere.

I completely sympathize, RHC!

Unfortunately, our last name happens to be a word you often see written on bathroom walls. As you can imagine, DD gets a lot of grief.

The latest, fairly minor issue was that her team is getting shirts with last names and numbers on the back for a special tournament. After she and her coach talked it over, she is getting her first name on the back instead. As he said, "13 year old boys are jerks."

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