Best friends rude to each other at practice

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Oct 10, 2011
Anyone else ever experience this? My DD and her best friend are on the same team. They talk and text constantly off the field. At practice though, very few words are exchanged, and a lot of times when they are, they are extremely rude. Both of the girls have a great time with all the other girls, and are extremely polite to everyone else. My DD says it's because the other girl ignores her, but there's two sides of every story. My DD is the youngest on the team so maybe that's part of it, however, she looks older than almost all of them. Even the coach said he can't have them next to each other...the older girl seems to try to run over my DD on plays but she's about 50 pounds lighter! After practices, they want to eat out together. It's just weird.
Aug 21, 2011
38°41'44"N 121°9'47.5"W
Could it be that they are extremely competitive with each other? We have a set of twins on the team and they are awful to each other on the field. They are always wanting to out-perform the other. They both very good athletes.
Oct 10, 2011
Could it be that they are extremely competitive with each other? We have a set of twins on the team and they are awful to each other on the field. They are always wanting to out-perform the other. They both very good athletes.

Yeah, I guess that could be it, but they played together last year and it was totally different.
Apr 13, 2013
IDK, as DD is getting older she is becoming more competitive with her Teammates at practice and in games. Like you said after SB the texts start flying but it gets a little intense in practice sometimes.


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
Yeah, I guess that could be it, but they played together last year and it was totally different.

Might be that one (or both) of them perceives the competition to be closer this year and doing her best to catch up/keep ahead.

PS are they competing for the same position(s)?
May 7, 2008
Of course, being rude to each other, can't be tolerated. This is strange behavior, even for girls. :) I think that the moms need to chat and tell the girls how attitude (good and bad) effects the team.
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
I don't see it much in girl sports, maybe it happens but I don't see/hear it.

Now boys.........we can be pretty brutal on each other at practice, conditioning, games. Not to the point of shouting, but there are some pretty sly remarks I wouldn't want to repeat on the forum. You don't take them personal, you just mouth back and keep going. I'd almost say if someone wasn't picking on me.........I would feel they didn't care enough about me to waste their breath.
Oct 10, 2011
Might be that one (or both) of them perceives the competition to be closer this year and doing her best to catch up/keep ahead.

PS are they competing for the same position(s)?

Just recently the older girl has shown some interest in 3rd but has never been put there...but, we noticed the other day that when the coach just had them line up at 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, just to take a few grounders, she ran straight to 3rd when she is usually playing 1st.
Oct 10, 2011
Of course, being rude to each other, can't be tolerated. This is strange behavior, even for girls. :) I think that the moms need to chat and tell the girls how attitude (good and bad) effects the team.
Actually, the Moms did bring it up casually after practice and the girls just kind of blew it off as "picking on each other." Clearly that's not it.


Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
I don't see it much in girl sports, maybe it happens but I don't see/hear it.

Now boys.........we can be pretty brutal on each other at practice, conditioning, games. Not to the point of shouting, but there are some pretty sly remarks I wouldn't want to repeat on the forum. You don't take them personal, you just mouth back and keep going. I'd almost say if someone wasn't picking on me.........I would feel they didn't care enough about me to waste their breath.

I know (especially my dd) has trouble being happy for her teammates success. Not to the point that anyone else would notice, but in our post game private discussions, I have to be super positive with my comments about the other girls to set the tone.

Now today, I went on 11 yr old dd field trip. We played slow pitch softball. On way home the best discription I had for several of the boys in her grade and I appoligized to her and on here but I said the boys in your grade are "butt holes". I told them mid game that the opposite team gets 1 point every time I here a mean comment from a boy to his teammates. By inning 2, 2 boys left crying because they were hurt, physically, by their own teammates. One boy got yelled at NON stop. I asked dd about him. She said he is the best athlete in their class...has been to Florida in the utrip world series twice, and smokes everyone in track. She said he is super nice, quiet, timid, and several of the other boys bring him to tears at least once a week. I saw it happen today.

I am just sick thinking about my adhd son growing up in this atmosphere.
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