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May 7, 2008
The old eTeamz site used to be really bad about stalkers. People would sign up just to cause trouble and re-post embarrassing things about each other.

SO, a couple of dad's were bickering and one threatens the other's DD. (They know who each other are.) This stalker went so far as to contact the dad's employer about how many posts this guy had during the day. The man had a federal job and almost lost his employment over this on-line feud. He had to swear that he would never post, again, even on his own time. And he didn't.
Jun 21, 2010
There was a NW Fastpitch site that had forums for different age girls. 10u, 12u, etc... I never thought I would see anything as bad as that. There were parents fighting with other parents and actually calling out coaches and girls by name. It was shut down finally, but talk about crazy parents.

So sorry to see quincy "go".
Feb 22, 2013
Anytime you put yourself in front of people, you are open for criticism and second guessing.

I coached an 18U TB team several years ago and substituted a 14 year old girl in for an 18 year old in the semi-finals of a state tournament game which we had just taken a ten run lead in. The 18 year old's mother stormed out of the park swearing and the daughter dropped the f - bomb several times in between games and she let everyone know that would listen to her that she was the most dedicated athlete on the team. That single decision that I made ruined that girls chances to get a college scholarship. At least, that is what I was told after the tournament. To this day, these people avoid me at all costs if we meet by chance.

My dad umpired a baseball game behind the plate of the high school cross town rivals. The game ended in a 2-1 nail biter. I remember watching his co-worker get in his face and scream at the top of her lungs how he single handedly cost her son a college scholarship because he squeezed the strike zone in the bottom of the 7th inning. My dad worked with that co-worker for the next 10 years and she went out of her way to avoid him during that entire time.

People who comment on this website, put themselves in front of people and are open for criticism and second guessing. Usually the people that we offend never put themselves in front of people and volunteer to coach or officiate the games.

My dad and I have officiated together several sports over the years. People ask us why we do it and we always reply because we have to give back to the game that was good to us.

Go to a little league baseball game or practice in the next couple of months and watch the six or seven dads run out of the dugout and help their sons. They give back to the game that was good to them when they were growing up. Then go to a Rec softball game and you should see a big difference.

Quincy, I enjoyed reading your posts. Thank you for putting yourself out there in front of the people. Without posters, there wouldn't be any readers and lurkers patrolling this website.
May 7, 2008
This is off topic, but yesterday at the McDonald's the man ahead of me was asked for his name. He said "Eisenhower." The lady behind that counter said "Well, I know it isn't that." ?? The man said "Just put Ike."

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