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WoW, guess that Facebook connect thing I did just because I was too lazy to go register is not looking like such a good idea.

Even never mentioning names I guess some people figure if you are talking about them they will take offense.

I probably have crossed a line or two in a few posts but in general as with any internet forum gotta usually ask yourself "would I be OK if this somehow found it's way to the front page of the NY Times". Yeah it makes it pretty hard to vent sometimes and unfortunately even the fact that whatever you said is 100% true might not help your case.

Sorry to hear things are not going well, my biggest hope as with everything relating to silly stuff like this that people get bent out of shape about is "PLEASE don't take it out on the kids"

We actually had a huge blow up in our league over the last two weeks that I really felt like venting about but just in the end I thought better of it.
Jun 21, 2010
quincy, I'm sorry to hear that. I really enjoy your post. You write in such a way I can almost see your DD in most situations you described.

When I joined this site I purposely created my username for anonymity sake. I was asking questions that maybe DD's coach would read and take the wrong way. But I'm out since I posted pics of my DD doing various things.

The thing that really sucks about your situation is that I thought of this site as a friendly community ( avoiding the Tech Hitting Forum ):D In your case that trust has been breached. Might have to delete pics and old post :eek:


Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
Look at the bottom of the homepage. There are always close to 1000 people lurking on here. I'm just sayin'...


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
Quincy, ask Ken or Amy to change your name. I think it can be done and you can change your profile and yet, keep your post amount. I was once CoachB25 and had to have my moniker changed but for a lot worse reason. Per what you have posted, I really don't recall you being negative in any way. I am truly sorry that you are going to have to deal with this and would also like to know the member (if it is a member) here who outed you. Not cool!

Well, I wish you the best and will look forward to reading about some new member's kids in the near future. :cool:

At least no one will ever figure out who I am.

Take care,

Darrell Butler
Jan 8, 2012
Aurora, IL
I only try to post thing that I would say infront of anyone. I guess that is why they say I am gruff. Quincy it was nice getting to know you.

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