Bat rolling??

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Dec 11, 2010
GD, I can buy what you are saying. Your clarification makes sense.

BTW, my buddy told me a story about how last weekend one of the dad's on his dd's team bought a bat off the bat guys table at a tournament, (that will be full retail price sir, how will you be paying for that), walked over to the nearest tree and in full view of all present proceeded to bash the tree with the bat.

At press time there was no word on the elm trees condition.
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
OTOH, I'm not going to give you 9 chances to break in a bat indistinguishable from the rolled bat. The guess factor can be removed by having many people take the challenge and see if a significant majority of them can pick out the rolled bat.

A true test of the bats would be in a lab where the performance of the bats could be measured with hits over the entire barrel.

You do realize bats ( today ) are rolled right out of the wrapper to make sure they can not surpass the performance level regulations before they are certified?

In the past they were only tested out of the wrapper, no break in ( what ever venue you choose ). So a bat out of the wrapper might hit 98mph, when seasoned it hits over 100mph. Now they have regulated the seasoned bats ( rolled, break in ), by lowering the original/new mph, so it can not get any hotter than __mph.

Long story short, rolling CAN'T make a bat any more hot than any other method, it's only an accelerated way.


Wilson = Evil Empire
DFP Vendor
Dec 27, 2012
Kunkletown, PA

I don't know why you keep going to todays bats to try and make a point. Most were talking about older bats as rolling is kind of an old thing anymore

You do realize what happens to most new bats that you try and roll? When you have to send it back for replacement and get denied...its a good lesson learned.

I still get people asking if I know people that can roll bats. I suggest very strongly NOT to do anything to the bat. If they do, I don't wanna hear any complaints if they do.

I will also say that's why I think compression testers are vital to stop shaved bats. Bats are made to not last if shaved. The old bats you could shave and get a decent amount of time out of them. New bats, you will get very few swings out of them before they fail compression.

Just to mention SP for a little. I play mostly tested tournys every weekend and I will say, softball has come back down to earth the past few years. League ball is the most dangerous time of all. You get the league heros out there with their shavers still because its not monitored.
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Jan 18, 2010
In your face

I don't know why you keep going to todays bats to try and make a point. Most were talking about older bats as rolling is kind of an old thing anymore

You do realize what happens to most new bats that you try and roll? When you have to send it back for replacement and get denied...its a good lesson learned.

I still get people asking if I know people that can roll bats. I suggest very strongly NOT to do anything to the bat. If they do, I don't wanna hear any complaints if they do.

I'd say the majority of bat purchasers, buy new bats, this year's models. For one the old bats are becoming very scarce, also the bat rollers sell new bats vs ones 10 years old. So today's bats are what the general public are asking about.

The "rule" was set in place because of the testing procedures of the time, they have since altered the testing and qualifications, thus not much need for the rule anymore.

I'm not trying to argue at all, just some people have a bad "idea" of what rolling a bat really does. I can't tell ya how many times parents see Sally smacking the crap out of the ball and start the gossip, "she's using a rolled bat, because my kid has the same model and can't hit like that". ( I'm sure y'all have heard the same ) But Sally usually has 400 good hits, compared to their kid who might have 50, so even if the swings were equal, Sally's bat will perform better because it's seasoned. can't explain that to the parents.

Like I said before, people accelerate the breaking in of a new glove, is that fair?

Edit: I know a few of the guys roll their slow pitch bats locally, never heard of one getting denied replacement. If a bat is rolled correctly, you can't detect it. If it's not rolled correctly, you can surely detect it, mostly with the naked eye.
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Mar 26, 2013
You do realize bats ( today ) are rolled right out of the wrapper to make sure they can not surpass the performance level regulations before they are certified?
Long story short, rolling CAN'T make a bat any more hot than any other method, it's only an accelerated way.
Yes, I'm well aware they added ABI to the testing procedure about 5-6 years ago to keep bats from exceeding the 98-mph limit over the course of their life. This is the argument most people use to rationalize bat rolling. However, there are many techniques for rolling bats and it is possible some bat rollers have found a better way than what is used in the certification lab.

I suspect a rolled bat provides some advantage(s) over a regularly broken-in bat over some part(s) of their lives. I haven't seen any compelling evidence one way or another, so I'd be interested in seeing some that would put this issue to rest.


Wilson = Evil Empire
DFP Vendor
Dec 27, 2012
Kunkletown, PA
Edit: I know a few of the guys roll their slow pitch bats locally, never heard of one getting denied replacement. If a bat is rolled correctly, you can't detect it. If it's not rolled correctly, you can surely detect it, mostly with the naked eye.

If they are rolling new stamped SP bats and nothing is happening, then they are doing so little its useless. And of course, nothing to deny replacing.

Oh, the little circle of local bat rollers and their excuses :)

I do love how rollers talk...I don't have time to hit a bat 400 times so I roll them and probably make money doing it. I can spend hours rolling, but not hitting...haha. I don't know, I can put 200 swings on a bat in an hour easy...guess they cant? If that's all rolling is, is putting a few hundred cuts on a bat, shouldn't be a tough thing.
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Jan 18, 2010
In your face
If they are rolling new stamped SP bats and nothing is happening, then they are doing so little its useless. And of course, nothing to deny replacing.

They get hotter, just nothing like the older bats, per our earlier conversation. What I meant by not getting denied as a replacement, is if it's rolled correctly ( no seam marks, flat spots, warped ) there is NO WAY to tell it's been rolled.

Oh, the little circle of local bat rollers and their excuses

I do love how rollers talk...I don't have time to hit a bat 400 times so I roll them and probably make money doing it. I can spend hours rolling, but not hitting...haha. I don't know, I can put 200 swings on a bat in an hour easy...guess they cant? If that's all rolling is, is putting a few hundred cuts on a bat, shouldn't be a tough thing.

I don't play slow pitch, never had time while DD was playing, I do have friends that do. "Bats" are these guys jewelry I guess, each year they'll buy 3-6 new bats ( must be nice ), guess it's faster and easier on a bunch of 40yo's with other life responsibilities to roll them to peak performance, than 400 hits x's 3-6 bats, all for a few months of games.

I have only had 1 altered bat in my life, in my 20's a bunch of us former BB players would enter Home-Run Derby's, in those you "swing what you bring" and EVERYONE has a juiced bat. ( because there is no one on the field to get hurt )

My DD never used a machine altered bat, she has always used aluminum bats so.........

You're a cool guy to convo with GD, I've had a good time in this post.

Obviously, we are on two diff sides of the fence on this stuff and will agree to disagree

You too bud, I always enjoy healthy conversations.

Hope you have a great 4th of July.
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