basketball coach rant

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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
The way college coaches talk on SportsCenter is an act. This is the way they really are.

I'm an alumni as well...I don't find it offensive.
Oct 4, 2011
Yeah, he dragged his wife into the conversation twice. I wouldn't mind the basketball comparison - personally I'm awful at basketball and probably couldn't make one bucket on 11 tries. The other comparison would make me blush, to say the least!

BTW - the Salukis? This is the second college team I've heard of with the Salukis as their mascot. Where is this name coming from? The Saluki is an extremely rare breed of dog from the middle east - basically the best canine athlete on the planet. I've searched for a Saluki of my own for a running companion but haven't found any. I'm star struck by their mascot!
May 7, 2008
Off the top of my head, I guess the Salukis name comes from being from a region in IL. referred to as Little Egypt.

And I don't think it was offensive to his wife. She is probably in my age bracket and we just roll with it.
Dec 2, 2012
The way college coaches talk on SportsCenter is an act. This is the way they really are.

I'm an alumni as well...I don't find it offensive.

I suppose you are right...In the big scheme of things this is not a huge deal. I would just prefer teams and coaches not air their dirty laundry in public. He clearly has a discipline and likely a morale problem as a result of his poor leadership. His feeble attempt at levity and feigned outrage are beneath his role as head coach. Lead by example and fix the problems before they manifest themselves on the court.

I suspect some will argue this is just a coaching "style", leadership "style" or personality "style" thing. That may be true, and I may just be an old fart. Frankly, I'm caring less and less by the minute...the ball they use is the wrong color, not 12" and they don't get to use cool new bats or play most of their games outside.....

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