Base stealing or base running question?

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Jul 16, 2008
Apparently they are taught to do it this way, start from behind the bag, i was curious if any one had timed the 2 different stles, someone must have, unless they just feel more comfortable doing it this way. Baseball really has nothing to do with it, it's base running.

Be interesting to know if it has been timed.

"It's only illegal if called....

Many people spout off about leaving early, but they really arent. They are looking at the forward motion of pushing off, but the foot is still in contact with the bag " IF THEY HAVE LEFT THE BAG IT IS ILLEGAL"

"Unless it is really flagrant , this will usually not be called. It is a total judgement by the umpire and very difficult to see. "
If you are a good official, it is not difficult" You have to be in the game" That's what you are paid to do"

1 umpire mechanics, or 2 umpire mechanics? (since they are paid to be in the game)

Don't understand why you are getting all grumpy
You brought up crossover step and baseball...the reason it is done that way is because you can get picked off therefore you need to start from a position that allows you to retreat to the bag. Once you are sure the pitcher is going to the plate you now crossover and get your body going the right direction if you are stealing. If you are not stealing it does not really matter much because even girls after their 3 or 4 step lead will get into a sideways position straddle anyway, otherwise they would be constantly getting thrown out by the catcher because there back would be to the bag and they could not get back fast enough.

They start that way so nobody knows if they are stealing or hitting and running or whatever.

As far as whether or not it is faster, it would have to be if done correctly because you have all your momentum going in the right direction as well as your body lined up correctly.

And yes it does give the optical illusion of leaving early because your body is out in front of the bag and moving away from the bag but your back foot is still on the bag until release. That is not to say that some girls don't leave early but not usually in a two man crew the umpire can usually stay on top of it.


May 27, 2010
"Don't understand why you are getting all grumpy "

'You brought up crossover step and baseball...the reason it is done that way is because you can get picked off "
Apparently you never saw any one picked off in softball?
Thee is no illusion when your foot is off the bag before the ball is released , n"its off" or its not off.
Merely stated a fact, time to end this conversation
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Not trying to be grump sorry if it sounds that way while writing tone never comes across well.

Just trying to point out that there is a reason it makes sense in baseball and not softball. To your point if you are just leading off and not stealing I don't see a real advantage because you have to get into the straddle position so you can get back and not get thrown out and no matter how you start you can only go as far as the catchers arm and your reaction will allow. If you are stealing I think others agree the rocking start is faster.

and you are of course correct in that you either left early or you did not just always going to be a judgement call like pitchers leaping off the mound if it is not really obvious not going to getting called much even though maybe it should

I am only 47 and already being label grumpy :) <---- means I am trying to be light heart and funny not grumpy
Aug 21, 2011
38°41'44"N 121°9'47.5"W
Read the thread linked at the bottom. One of my former players who is 2.6 to first has switched the sprinter start. I'm seeing more and more girls go back to the sprinter start.

In my observations, many girls have a difficult time getting the timing down on the rocker start. They are always way late. If done properly, it should be faster to do the rocker. But in the real world, I tend to believe that the sprinter is quicker.
Read the thread linked at the bottom. One of my former players who is 2.6 to first has switched the sprinter start. I'm seeing more and more girls go back to the sprinter start.

In my observations, many girls have a difficult time getting the timing down on the rocker start. They are always way late. If done properly, it should be faster to do the rocker. But in the real world, I tend to believe that the sprinter is quicker.

I read the thread and while there are some good points I think it is like anything else it just takes practice and once you get it down the rocker would be faster. I think the fact you are in motion will make up for any "lateness" in the thread the assertion was made that you are two steps behind so you could not make that up but the video showed 3 or 4 frames which would not be 2 steps. I would think if you looked at say step three almost all the rocker girls would get to step three faster than a sprinters start but it would be something interesting to look at.


May 27, 2010
In the 7th inning tonight UCLA runner was called out for leaving 1st to soon on attempted steal,

5th inning Arizona runner on 2nd base , was using the edge of 2nd base on 3rd base side" not behind the base and using crossover step"

Aug 4, 2008
For years we used and taught the rocker step. As Greenmonster and others posted about starting blocks, we converted to the sprint start using the base as a starting block. As someone else posted we used video to prove most using the rocker start just leave late , not sure why, but they just can't seem to time it correctly. DD worked with a D1 college player that lead the big 10 in steals and after the change, I think she has only been thrown out once in the last year. It not just speed, its quickness of getting off the bag. I use the whistle drill to train them when to jump. As the now coach at the University of Ark says, unless you are called out for leaving early once and a while you are leaving LATE!
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