Base stealing or base running question?

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May 27, 2010
This has probably been asked before, today base runners occupying a base always , have 1 foot behind 1st or 2nd, instead of doing the crossover. Has it been timed that you can go faster even though you have to travel further ?

Nothing to do with that but watching a couple NCAA games recently, i'm positive the runner was beating the release but was not being called on it, which in one viewpoint if you are racing out of the bag, you either are or are not ahead of the release. I bring this up from personal years ago past experience, most was a crossover "mens" before i was around the G kids in the last 12 years, seeing the behind the base concept.

I have brought this up to umpires after the games "i used to be one" and as well as being an infielder watching this, it was my duty to watch the base runner and ball release. One high school game i had a base runner out 3 x on the same base with the same batter,but the call was never made. "I was one" once / ump


May 27, 2010
This is done to prevent a 'leaving early' call. If you do the same thing but in the dirt, you can hide your feet more, as well. I have no idea what a crossover is if you could explain.

That is really strange, like i say i pay attention to lead-offs, had a good coach many years ago that made me aware, so in my years of playing and officiating, i was aware, but i see a lot of no calls, which should be called. To me it-looks like they are using the bag as a starting block, but jumping the gun.

Crossover, with your left foot on the bag, going forward you lead or crossover with that foot as you turn your body to accelerate, if you lead with the other foot you do not cover as much ground. You can determine that by making a spot in the base path by just walking off 10 feet or so and try it both ways, you will see the crossover gains footage.
it's done all the time in baseball, it appears to me you are losing distance, starting behind the bag?
Apr 13, 2013
Has it been timed that you can go faster even though you have to travel further ?

The runner is not really going father. In the rocker step the back foot is starting before the ball is released, either way the runner does it the foot touching the bag leaves on the pitchers release.

Some say that the rocker step causes enough motion that the leaving early causes enough motion that it is harder for the umpire to detect if the runner leaves slightly early, I am not sure I believe it but maybe.

From a straight stealing a base driving off the base will get the runner to the next base faster than the straddle even if both leaqually leave the base.
Jul 16, 2008
Are you watching the base runners motion or their feet? With the rocker step the base runner get forward momentum while still keeping one foot on the bag until release. Many times it depends upon how many umpires too, if you have a game with 1 umpire, you can get away with leaving a little early.


May 27, 2010
Are you watching the base runners motion or their feet? With the rocker step the base runner get forward momentum while still keeping one foot on the bag until release. Many times it depends upon how many umpires too, if you have a game with 1 umpire, you can get away with leaving a little early.

I doubt the RULE HAS CHANGED, "leaving the base before release" is illegal.
Feb 22, 2013
My opinion on this subject is that girls are much more analytical when it comes to sports than boys are. Example of me talking to my daughter. Dd running down the basketball court on a fast break. Dd playing the wing will run out to her wing position and stop even if there is nobody between her and the basket. Me, I scratch my head and say "What are you doing? Go to the basket". Dd will turn around and tell me that the coach wants her to run to the wing position everytime down the court.

Many coaches that I have seen during the younger years teach the girls to put their arm over their head and stand in the above mentioned position. They then tell the girls to watch the pitcher's arm. When the pitcher's arm begins to come down, throw your arm down and begin running. This helps the girl time when the pitcher's release occurs and gives them a bit of forward momentum. Eight years later, the girl is still timing the pitcher's release this way and hopefully getting off of the bag at the same time the ball leaves the pitcher's hand.

Comparing girl's fastpitch to men's fastpitch wouldn't be fair. Most men who play men's fastpitch have a baseball background. A cross over would seem to be a natural motion for a man after leading off of the bases for the last 6+ years in babe ruth, legion, high school, etc.

Just my .02 cents. Twenty years ago, it would have got you two gumballs, now, not so much.


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
My opinion on this subject is that girls are much more analytical when it comes to sports than boys are. Example of me talking to my daughter. Dd running down the basketball court on a fast break. Dd playing the wing will run out to her wing position and stop even if there is nobody between her and the basket. Me, I scratch my head and say "What are you doing? Go to the basket". Dd will turn around and tell me that the coach wants her to run to the wing position everytime down the court.

Many coaches that I have seen during the younger years teach the girls to put their arm over their head and stand in the above mentioned position. They then tell the girls to watch the pitcher's arm. When the pitcher's arm begins to come down, throw your arm down and begin running. This helps the girl time when the pitcher's release occurs and gives them a bit of forward momentum. Eight years later, the girl is still timing the pitcher's release this way and hopefully getting off of the bag at the same time the ball leaves the pitcher's hand.

Comparing girl's fastpitch to men's fastpitch wouldn't be fair. Most men who play men's fastpitch have a baseball background. A cross over would seem to be a natural motion for a man after leading off of the bases for the last 6+ years in babe ruth, legion, high school, etc.

Just my .02 cents. Twenty years ago, it would have got you two gumballs, now, not so much.

How many Olympic sprinters do you see starting sideways with a crossover?! Leading is allowed in baseball so the runners start off the base and need to be able to advance or retreat and a stance with the shoulders/hips parallel to the baseline best suits this. In softball leading is not allowed and the runner's only initial option is to advance; the rocker start or a sprinter type stance with the shoulders square to the baseline is most advantageous.


May 27, 2010
Apparently they are taught to do it this way, start from behind the bag, i was curious if any one had timed the 2 different stles, someone must have, unless they just feel more comfortable doing it this way. Baseball really has nothing to do with it, it's base running.

Be interesting to know if it has been timed.

"It's only illegal if called....

Many people spout off about leaving early, but they really arent. They are looking at the forward motion of pushing off, but the foot is still in contact with the bag " IF THEY HAVE LEFT THE BAG IT IS ILLEGAL"

"Unless it is really flagrant , this will usually not be called. It is a total judgement by the umpire and very difficult to see. "
If you are a good official, it is not difficult" You have to be in the game" That's what you are paid to do"

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