Advice for starting a new team

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Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
There are certain philosophical questions that should be answered ahead of time so you're not answering them on the fly --

Here are examples ...

- Bat the entire roster every game, or best 9 in bracket games?
- Have primary positions, or move the players around?
- What's your policy on pickup players?
- What's your policy on adding players in mid-season?
- Will the team be built with open tryouts, or will former members be taken back automatically (assuming effort and good attitude)?
- How important is winning? To what extent are you willing to do things that might cause you to lose now (batting full roster, giving more time to the #3 pitcher, batting weaker players higher in pool games, allowing weaker players more time at more critical positions) in the name of developing your players?
- Why do you want to coach a team?

This last question, though more general, is the most important. Try to see things from the players' perspective and serve them, not the parents or the coaches.
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