14yo struggling with SO

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Jun 24, 2024
Throw out all this technical stuff. Hitting is all about how you feel and she feels terrible. Giving her more stuff to think about doesn't help. We all know this. Feeling good automatically fixes glitches and timing. How do you fix this? If I could give you an easy answer I would. Don't give up on the bulletproof hitter, because even if that isn't a magic pill, that's the area we are working on, not how early you get your foot down. Keep working on that. Feeling better. Saw a recent video where a guy got some advice from Tony Gwynn. Tony said take all that other stuff out. I just want you to get out. Hit a hard ground ball to short (assuming lefty). Do that. Next, try to hit a fly ball to left. If you can do that you have everything you need. Guy went up, got out twice, then went on a tear. Don't think when to swing but where to hit it. Don't worry about technical issues, try to let go and be loose. Wiggle, waggle, rhythm, swagger. Act like you feel good until it happens.

Hitting is hard until it's easy. And then it's easy until it's hard.

Less swing coach, more I can do this. Remember all those big hits. That was you. That's the real you. It's in there just waiting to happen again.
Spot on. She feels like garbage even though we try to build her up. Its heartbreaking we cant fix that part for her. ?She's a perfectionist, she beats herself up like crazy and shes not going to stop until she gets the results she thinks shes supposed to get. Which in her words is "I dont know but not this!" When COVID hit and it was so hard on all these kids, she still wanted to play ball but we took her down from A to B because we didn't think she needed the added stress of competing at that time. Her confidence absolutely SOARED, but only until after she saw she was producing consistently. Took her back to A the next season, because we saw skill deterioration and also because even though she was way more confident, she still said she wasnt good enough because this was only B level and she would stink in A. We wanted her to see she was wrong about that. She stayed confident for a very short time after moving back to A and then tanked again when she consistently wasnt producing at the plate (late).
Jun 24, 2024
Who is keeping the stats that girls are batting .800? Or did Jocelyn Alo start back over in 14U-C level?
LOL you never can 100% trust GameChanger. We do watch often in person and there's many girls consistently getting on base at her level.
Jan 25, 2022
LOL you never can 100% trust GameChanger. We do watch often in person and there's many girls consistently getting on base at her level.

I'm always skeptical when averages go past .500 if the schedule is strong. 800 has never even been a consideration. lol
Jun 24, 2024
This is true for a lot of girls who have a decent swing. The concept of "yes-yes-yes-yes" just seems to go in one ear and out the other.
Thank you for the solidarity. If you find something that clicks I hope you will remember us and let us know about it! (and visa versa) ?
Mar 2, 2021
Spot on. She feels like garbage even though we try to build her up. Its heartbreaking we cant fix that part for her. ?She's a perfectionist, she beats herself up like crazy and shes not going to stop until she gets the results she thinks shes supposed to get. Which in her words is "I dont know but not this!" When COVID hit and it was so hard on all these kids, she still wanted to play ball but we took her down from A to B because we didn't think she needed the added stress of competing at that time. Her confidence absolutely SOARED, but only until after she saw she was producing consistently. Took her back to A the next season, because we saw skill deterioration and also because even though she was way more confident, she still said she wasnt good enough because this was only B level and she would stink in A. We wanted her to see she was wrong about that. She stayed confident for a very short time after moving back to A and then tanked again when she consistently wasnt producing at the plate (late).
We've been there.
1) admit there is a problem. The problem is not that you can't hit. You can hit. We've all seen it. That's the real you. The problem is that your brain is not letting you hit right now. And that's normal. It's being human and it happens to everyone. Its caveman brain stuff. You have to face what is going on and she has to admit it. OK, now we can work on the issue. Beyond admitting the problem, try to keep everything patient, supportive, positive.
2) I'll say this for the third time, I'd stop seeing the hitting coach for a while. Is it helping? He says her swing is great. OK, thanks, your work is done. That's not what she needs help with. Can he help with the other thing? More front toss is not the issue.
3) you don't need to be perfect. Stop measuring in batting average or comparing with others. Break "success" down. It's going up with a good approach. It's showing confident body language. It's dad "knowing" and "seeing" you were ready no matter the results. It's competing, having a tough at bat. It's seeing pitches. It's moving the Runner. It's having "good" fouls. Then hitting it hard, safe or out. Build from little wins or accomplishments. Throw out results. It's showing glimpses of the "real" you bit by bit. Just like you would retool your swing, retool your approach and confidence. Tell her late is okay as long as she knows what she is doing. Give her small goals so she can build on having some sense of control
4) just like you learn to feel your swing and how to adjust, learn to feel your confidence and how to adjust. It's going to go up and down. Realize this is normal and know you can make tweaks. It's not the end of the world. You can come back next time. You don't have to be perfect. Just keep coming back.

It's a long road. The whole thing is. You have to look at it that way. She's the greatest girl in the world isn't she? Just be there for her. Get ice cream no matter what. Talk about other things in the car unless she insists. She's 14!

I know how hard it is. I also know she can do it. Ask me how I know. (Don't, I don't want to jinx it.) You will be OK

When you can, try to forget about softball and just be her dad.
May 15, 2008
Cape Cod Mass.
What's up with that funky flying back elbow? That is ridiculously high and serves no purpose. It's got to be causing problems with her top hand grip. You can't get the elbow that high without relaxing and letting go a little with the hand. I would try eliminating that to simplify her action.
Aug 5, 2022
Why does she do the fake bunt pull back when she gets to 2 strikes? I know some coaches teach that as a timing mechanism but it should be helping not hindering and I think here it’s just making things worse.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Jun 24, 2024
Wait I thought she was having a terrible time ...

It's that you want her to hit at least .500? That's a lot to ask. Two hits every time out?

I am obv some rando on the internet who doesn't know her or anyone else but I'd say less with the hitting coach and see what happens. All this overemphasis on every tiny aspect of the swing is causing us to look for every tiny imperfections in the swing which causes another round of analysis and practice and thinking and worrying.

Just go hit. Be athletic. Don't worry about being perfect. You dont have to be perfect. Again, the better you feel, that swing fixes itself.

And don't look at the stats for at least a month. (I wish I could do this myself)
She is having a terrible time... its not that I want her to hit a .500. Its that shes hitting more like a .100 and is losing her at bat opportunities and her confidence. I do think .500 is more than doable in her league, but a .300 would be an improvement and I would be happy for her. (Not sure she would - but I definitely would). Im not a monster ? I love my girl and want her to be happy with herself.
Jun 24, 2024
Hit from the go position. Start with tee, then front toss, then machine. The go position is basically a stationary position you should be in when done loading/coiling, just before heel strike. So rear elbow is still up, shoulders tilted slightly downhill, bat around 45 degrees, hands attached to rear shoulder. Hips have started to open slightly, pitcher can still at least partially see batters numbers. From this stationary position,(no hand pumping) slam heal down, front knee straightens, turn the torso around spine (back hip for some) throw,whip the barrel around the hands pivot point. Crush the ball. You want her to feel as if the hand do very little besides provide a pivot point for the barrel to turns around. This will be a big change for your DD. She has over active hands. She should feel as if she is loading her glute and hitting with her torso(obliques should be sore tomorrow)
I have been tempted to have my DD hit from this position with two strikes. Batter will only lose 3 or 4 mph of bat speed from their full swing.
We will try this, thank you!

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