12U DD Update--Need some new eyes/suggestions

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Jul 16, 2013
Ok..I see the clip and I see what I need her to do, but how do I translate that to her? Should I be telling her that as she loads to allow her weight to come forward into the strong front side THEN release the hit hip?

this is how I think about it....

Find some type of short platform, such as one of those "steps" that are used for aerobic exercises. Get in a batting stance so that your rear foot/leg is on top of the platform and lift your front leg so that it is a few inches away from your rear leg but not touching anything. Basically dangling. Coil/turn/twist into your rear hip but resist with your core so that your belly button and sternum do not coil/turn/twist while your rear hip does. Now allow your body to stride toward the pitcher (front foot striding off the platform), but attempt to control the move out by utilizing the hip/core resistance you are creating. Instead of allowing yourself to simply fall forward, attempt to control the motion. Watch what happens with your shoulder line. NOTE: Also make sure that you are not too upright while doing this. Sit into your hips/butt as you are striding forward.

I hope that makes sense. I am not as good at explaining these things as some others on this site.


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
Instead of thinking of the front shoulder as wanting to be "in" rather than "out", try thinking "down" rather than "up" (see the Miggy gif)


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
Instead of thinking of the front shoulder as wanting to be "in" rather than "out", try thinking "down" rather than "up" (see the Miggy gif)

Miggy is down & in


Added: There was a gif of David Wright doing the bottom hand/one hand hitting drill. That is the correct way it should be done. It was made from the Hitting Disc demo. I will try and find the gif. I believe Butterman created to the gif.
Last edited:
May 3, 2014

Miggy is down & in


Added: There was a gif of David Wright doing the bottom hand/one hand hitting drill. That is the correct way it should be done. It was made from the Hitting Disc demo. I will try and find the gif. I believe Butterman created to the gif.

Yes - Butterman created the Gif.

Watch the hips - the shoulder reacts and is absolutely NOT a teach.



Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England

Miggy is down & in

If the shoulder is down, you don't have to worry about in or out IMO. (I challenge you to search your video/gif collection for anyone who is down and out. Skid row photos don't count!)

From a teaching standpoint I think this difference makes it easier and quicker to have them create, feel and achieve the desired result. IMO, just focusing on the single instruction of "down" it is much more self evident and self correcting to the hitter whereas focusin on "in" is not.
Last edited:
Oct 2, 2012
on the Field
thanks everyone...i showed her the gif to give her a visual. She's really having trouble keeping the bat stacked...still trying to get some good full swings on video

Sent from my typewriter


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
If the shoulder is down, you don't have to worry about in or out IMO. (I challenge you to search your video/gif collection for anyone who is down and out. Skid row photos don't count!)
Really... just because the front shoulder is down I don't have to worry about the front shoulder being in or out. Nope not going to search for a gif/video of a front shoulder being 'down and out' because you said I won't find one.
So, every hitter posted doesn't have a problem with correctly FBCing.....
Jul 16, 2013
Really... just because the front shoulder is down I don't have to worry about the front shoulder being in or out. Nope not going to search for a gif/video of a front shoulder being 'down and out' because you said I won't find one.
So, every hitter posted doesn't have a problem with correctly FBCing.....

In my opinion getting the front shoulder down and it can be the sign of a good thing, but it is also important HOW the front shoulder got there.

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