10U Drama

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Oct 15, 2013
Seattle, WA
Oh, Lord! I didn't sign up for this!

The names have been changed to protect the innocent.

I'm the manager of a 10U B team. Maybe six weeks ago the mother of one of the players, Bella, tells me her daughter had come home upset from practice. I figure I know why; we had been working on bunt coverage and Bella had been a fielder the whole time. We finally brought her in to bunt so she could have a turn, but we needed to get some other girls a rep and after her turn we asked her to go play SS. She complained that she only got to bunt one time and went out and stood at SS and sulked the rest of practice. But Bella's mom says that's not the reason she came home upset. Bella claims that another player, Alexa, said "I hate to you." to her. Bella's mom says maybe it was just a misunderstanding, but wanted me to be aware.

Bella is a feisty baller who has some issues, goes to therapy twice a week, may be autistic, gets very upset sometimes if she makes a mistake and is a little immature. Alexa, seems like a sweet little kid, so I pretty much dismiss this. I do ask Alexa at the next practice if she ever said I hate you to one of her teammates and she seems shocked by the question and denies it. I tell her, "We only say positive things to our teammates, right?" and she agrees.

I don't have any more trouble until a week ago Sunday when at our 1st tournament a player comes to me in the dugout crying that another player, Lila, hit her in the head with a bat. The player can't tell me if it was an accident or not. I'm steamed, safety issues make me react pretty harshly. I go and ask Lila what happened and she doesn't really have a good answer. I yell at her a bit at tell her she shouldn't be handling a bat in the dugout if she's not about to go up to bat (no on deck this tourney). She tears up and when I look at her later she's sitting at the end of the dugout on the floor crying. A few minutes later I see her mother is in the dugout talking to her. I say, "When you're done with Lila let me have a word". She gives me the look of death.

When I get a word with her, she tells me I'm not being a positive coach and I've made her daughter feel bad by taking her out of the game. Lila hasn't told her about the bat incident. I tell her and tell her that I've yelled at her daughter about it. I apologize for using the phrase "damn bat" and go back to the game.

I expect to get ripped in email that night, but I get a text that says Lila wasn't upset about me yelling at her, but because just afterwards she had accidently bumped into Alexa who called her "Fat, ugly and stupid".

So now I have to call Alexa's mom and tell her that there have been two accusations against her daughter. I tell her that if this continues we'll have to have a discussion about Alexa remaining with the team. Alexa's mom calls me the next day and says that Alexa has denied the latest allegation and that Alexa is a terrible liar and they can tell she's being truthful. I tell Lila's mom I've had a conversation with Alexa's mom. I don't mention the denials.

Today I get more texts from Lila's mom. Lila claims Alexa was following her around practice today calling her more names. I wasn't there, but I call my AC and she says she didn't hear anything, that the two didn't even really have much chance for interaction today. Curiously, todays texts mention the possibility of moving Lila to the 12U or staying on 10U if she can be used to her full ability minus the bullying. She also makes some digs at Alexa's skills.

Good grief! Did I mention Bella was the girl in the dugout who got hit in the head?
Jun 22, 2015
IMO Sounds like the dugout is out of control- I hate to put it this way but you need to get mean -have a discussion with the entire team about expectations of behavior- and lay out some un breakable ground rules. NO parents in the dugout, NO discussion of other players abilities, NO bullying teammates, when an incident happens players need to come to you immediately and you need to have a sit down with the two PLAYERS involved. These girls all sound like they need to be taught how to be a team and they need a strong leader and more structured practice/dugout. Maybe some non softball bonding would be good as well.

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Jul 15, 2015
I don't know if you need to get mean, but you do need to get control. To much going on that you don't know about. If you have a trouble maker help her. If you can't help her she has to go. I also wouldn't accept another parent bad mouthing a player. The most important thing is your culture.
May 24, 2013
So Cal
If it's any consolation, the emotional melt-downs after a mistake tend to fade in 12U...mostly.

A girl with a mean streak towards her teammates is a cancer to a team. That's a situation to monitor very closely. With younger players especially, I have seen mean girls break the spirit of girls who love the game, and they end up wanting to quit. Ask your own DD if she's heard any of it. Have your AC's ask their DDs, too. Intel from within the ranks might be very revealing.

And, by the way...Yes, you did sign up for this. It's 10U. ;)
May 20, 2015
keep your DD way on the down low, though

tough having dad as a coach, even if you both do things the right way.....trust me, been there, too
Sep 29, 2014
This is a tough one because sometimes you can't tell who is telling the truth; however as another poster said if after a couple month you have not figured out who the troublemakers are, if any, you are not involved enough. It's seems harsh but my guess is your gut is telling you who the problem child is? go with that gut feeling after a couple months you should have the pulse of the team to know what up.

Sometimes it is just two girls that don't get along even tough they get along with everyone else. Is your DD on the team? While I usually don't involve my kid in sorting out team squabbles sounds like this one is getting out of hand, I would ask my kid what's up?, odds are very high she knows who the real troublemaker is, lots of drama for 10U, although I've had worse wait until bothers and sisters of players and players themselves start dating and then there is a breakup involving different parties talk about a mess, but we managed to live though it (thank goodness we only had a couple weeks left)

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