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  1. RADcatchers

    Crushing Grounders

    Haven't seen this display in a while. Was reminded of it recently. Crushing grounders. The kind that are wickedly ripping towards the infield. Gnarly high speed slices & bounces at first year 12u. Ping off the hip. Ding one to the shin. Plunk off the arm. What is this for? Is that fear...
  2. RADcatchers

    Managing Multi-Sport Athletes

    Its already been happening!! In the form of Mark these dates ___ on your summer schedule as reserved. Yep. Not everything orbits around the player! Except when you are competing at a level that you are expecting to have a level of player participating. Picking up scrubs may not be the right...
  3. RADcatchers

    Managing Multi-Sport Athletes

    Feedback trends to~ Those conflicts are now spread across all age groups. Even 12 at 12u would say have predictable conflict. * there are more things that people credit as conflict, when it could just be, prioritizing that is the conflict.
  4. RADcatchers

    questions\thoughts on a play

    Hmmm 🤔 perhaps that should read offense and defense are allowed to be ignorant. *imo that IS on them! Mental part of the game is part of the game! (heck... 😏there is even a person standing on the field who's keeping track of balls, strikes and outs. Use the resource!) What does the rule book...
  5. RADcatchers

    Managing Multi-Sport Athletes

    One of my catching students was also an award-winning athlete in multiple Sports. She went to an Academy High School that you have to test into. Majority of those students want to go to college. They are preparing for it. Would probably think the high school would support a player making a...
  6. RADcatchers

    Managing Multi-Sport Athletes

    No... They don't need to be careful having a standard for their team. They are teams that will have plenty of players happy to come play for them and make a commitment to a schedule that is showcasing them which includes top tier Nationals! Along with the presence of a coach who makes College...
  7. RADcatchers

    questions\thoughts on a play

    Mental part of the game. Strategy is also part of the game. ... there are teams that will have their batter run to first even if they've struck out... particularly with that runner on third keep an eye on them and back pick an out!
  8. RADcatchers

    Softball Slider???,Wakes%20by%20exhibiting%20sweeping%20motions.
  9. RADcatchers

    Softball Slider???,spin%20and%20less%20true%20spin
  10. RADcatchers

    Alliance changed the age cut off to September 1st?

    This ⬆️ college coaches know this won't change. There will always be a mixture age bracket in 18u. Simply there are too many times when trying to shuffle teams is irrelevant when you can just have players play up and keep a solid roster. That and also for more competitive 18u teams they know...
  11. RADcatchers

    7u swing advice

    🙂 sure bunch of us here could offer lots of hitting drills and maybe mechanical suggestions. See the responses you got were~ Holy Shoot which I took to mean wow that was impressive immediately. Agree! My response relax and enjoy! Which means don't worry so much about it, your kid is doing...
  12. RADcatchers

    7u swing advice

    Relax and enjoy!
  13. RADcatchers

    Can't find the rules!

    LOL have to buy new rules every year because they change every year
  14. RADcatchers

    Managing Multi-Sport Athletes

    Good read. To add College camps overlapping with travel schedule. Is also 'a one or the other' type situation. Know of several travel team coaches who are experiencing such a problem trying to keep a solid roster playing their showcase & tournament venues because there are many players that...
  15. RADcatchers

    H.S. Team as a Gauge for College?

    Ohhhh there is a really good topic inside what you wrote!
  16. RADcatchers

    H.S. Team as a Gauge for College?

    Like this age part of the topic. H.S. 14 yr old freshman going to school with & playing with 18 yr old seniors. (Lots of transitioning into a more grown up person) For 4 years ~ what should be developmental years. ~ in preparation years! In preparation for the next decision that *could be...
  17. RADcatchers

    Managing Multi-Sport Athletes

    What you have encountered is a disagreement that affects your coaching staff. The repercussions of what is implemented can then affect the entire team. Not just those few players. Because you are setting a team standard. Additionally it could affect your future Seasons because the standard you...
  18. RADcatchers

    H.S. Team as a Gauge for College?

    Let me see if I can dial in this topic... that may be a sensitive issue. However could be an important thing to take a look at. The topic is in line with other recent posts regarding players having emotional crossover to their sport experience. Using playing in high school as a gauge for...
  19. RADcatchers

    Managing Multi-Sport Athletes

    imo Should set the standard before the season starts. The standard either has exceptions written into it or it doesn't. Example~ regardless of reason if player misses practice player will sit out the first game. If you have an exception written into that. Then you are going to have to sort...
  20. RADcatchers

    POLL~ about WINNING

    Set the stage... You are checking out a team to play for. Maybe it's a pre-season meeting with coach for school ball with everybody. Perhaps first group meeting with a travel ball team. (😏You haven't paid your dues yet.) The coach says, ' I want to start off by letting everybody know winning...

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