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  1. B

    Illegal pitchs-Florida/UCLA

    I agree with you Hal. I didn't articulate my point well. I should have said something more like Start enforcing the rules at the institutionally at all levels of youth competition. Using 'calling' made it sound like I was putting the responibility on the blues. The youth organizations need...
  2. B

    Illegal pitchs-Florida/UCLA

    Amy and Ray answered pretty well. When don't they, right? I orignally avoided answering because it looks like the set up for a 'They should just get rid of that stupid rule!' argument that I have no interest in getting tied up in again. Bear in mind, I wasn't on the rules commitee's that...
  3. B

    To play "A" ball or "B" ball? advise needed

    I won't speak for anyone else so no consensus here. I am saying at 13 the primary consideration is getting innings against quality hitters in highly competitive games. Pitching 15k games against B ball batters and pitching in blow out after blow out in B ball match ups isn't going to provide...
  4. B

    Illegal pitchs-Florida/UCLA

    To quote a great man. Correctamundo. The rules regarding pitching, most notably regarding leaping and crow hopping have been ignored across the board, for YEARS. I guess that's not inconsistent since the consistently ignored the rules and wasn't this season, but it does lay out the foundation...
  5. B

    Illegal pitchs-Florida/UCLA

    I thought for sure the tradition of turning the blind eye would continue through the post season. It's a nice surpise to see the strict enforcement is back. The only thing to do now, provided the enforcement continues, is follow up the WCWS with a nice "We really mean it" memo to set the tone...
  6. B

    Illegal pitchs-Florida/UCLA

    Tojo, The original memo came out saying pitching rules were going to be a point of emphasis. The month of March the rules were strictly enforced. Some coaches, namely the ones who's pitchers are illegal, Candrea and Walton among them vented spleen at them for enforcing the rules. The second...
  7. B

    To play "A" ball or "B" ball? advise needed

    If your daughter wants to play in college. Go A now. You need to get her in a situation that is going to challenge her. She needs to fight for her play time. She needs to know that she has to practice hard, constantly improve, always strive for her best performance in games and practice...
  8. B

    Illegal pitchs-Florida/UCLA

    On a serious note, lets hope that the aptly described display of professionalism, backbone, guts and integrity inspires some of the umps that have been letting IP's slide in youth ball in our area for the last couple years. As frustrating as it might be in this years WCWS to see this many...
  9. B

    Illegal pitchs-Florida/UCLA

    Um...I find myself agreeing with umpires. Do have to give up my irrational coach and crazy daddy merit badges? Please help. I'm very confused and feeling vulnerable.
  10. B

    What's the going rate for a PC where you are?

    We pay $25 for a 1 hour pitching lesson and 1 hour hitting lesson. 15 for just one or the other.
  11. B

    How is your/your DD's HS team doing?

    Sorry to hear about your rough game Amanda. Good luck on your next two. Our girls won thier sectional championship today. 6 - 5. They play the team they beat for the state championship Monday in the super sec. If they win that it's state tourney starting Friday.
  12. B

    Sponsorship question

    Sagging economy. The longer this goes the more you can expect some parents to nit pick over fees and how they are used. I don't have any answers short of, be creative and try and come up with ways to do team fund raisers that gives the parents the opporunity to off set some of thier out of...
  13. B

    You are probably a crazy dad (CD) or crazy mom (CM) if...

    I'll pinch hit for sluggers since he missed this one. * your DD is 10YOA and throws 5 pitches...really, seriously. She throws 5 pitches, honestly...I'm not kidding, 5 pitches. Ok, so I'm redundant
  14. B

    Raising a nation of wimps?

    You can only rub dirt on it if you immediately clean it with sanitizer, anti-biotic ointment and bandage the area completely to keep out the germs that might make that bruise turn septic.
  15. B

    Changing speeds

    All of the options you listed as a possibility could work but really depends on the pitcher. You might consider going with a horseshoe or circle change as an additional offspeed pitch. The different release will give a different speed and spin than the flip.
  16. B

    Upcoming TV schedules, game times, etc. WCWS

    Thanks for pulling that all together for us.
  17. B

    Professionalism of umpires

    vote with your wallet. Don't give them your money or participation. If other people are willing to put up with it so be it.
  18. B

    Close call

    Thank God she's ok. Tell her to give 'em what for tomorrow.
  19. B

    How is your/your DD's HS team doing?

    Sorry to hear that Amy. That's always a good team and good game when we meet. I'm pretty sure I know your non-comment. I agree.
  20. B

    How is your/your DD's HS team doing?

    My DD is still in middle school, but we went and watched out HS girls win the District championship game today. 8-1. Sectionals are next week. Good luck in your post season Amanda.

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