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  1. B

    Howard Drill

    Hopefully Amy will forgive me if I'm off on this one. I believe the point of the question was to point out the irony of you using a video clip of one of Howards students to demonstrate what he should do with his student in the video. I rather enjoyed it, if it wasn't intentional.
  2. B

    Teenage Girls, Softball and Bullying

    At the risk of tasting shoe leather again, yeah I'll agree. I could be genetic, maybe. It definitely seems in a drama free environment someone will get something churning in short order. It usually is a female but there have been plenty of exceptions to that rule in my experience. On the...
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    Teenage Girls, Softball and Bullying

    No misunderstanding between travel and school ball for me. Same kids, same coaches and same goals in the short and long term. Yeah, I know. We are doing it wrong. I hear it all the time. Your point is certainly valid about your schools program if that is the way your coach and athletic...
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    Teenage Girls, Softball and Bullying

    Totally agree that play time is the cause of bullying in these situations. The quoted part there is interesting to me, but I don't want to hi-jack Ray's thread. Any chance you'd be willing to start a new one and elaborate on that and define more clearly what constitutes raw talent and what the...
  5. B

    Teenage Girls, Softball and Bullying

    I'm seeing a pretty good sample of this kind of thing on our middle school team. Short stop and second base have a 7th graders starting. 3rd has a 6th grader starting. There are 8th graders on the bench. Needless to say some of the 8th graders who are riding pine are less than pleased that...
  6. B

    Howard Drill

    A heart felt second to that Cannonball.
  7. B

    idle threat, or real possibility?

    That's pretty dang easy to resolve with a phone call to your state association rep explaining the situation. The association rep can get it done if need be. Though from what I know of the association reps from my state, it more than likely end with a phone call to the jackwagon asking why they...
  8. B

    From 40' to 43'

    What I saw in Illinois this year rings true with the mority input on the thread. Teams that developed pitchers to throw spot, kissing the corners with movement and speed changes had about the same kind of season as they did in previous years. Similar strike out numbers and runs scored against...
  9. B

    Took on an additional coach.... how would you handle this?

    Tucc, I carry my stuff I need to do my job. I carry the stuff that I bring to cover for the parents that don't do thiers. You make your kids shelp your gear around? They are players not sherpas.
  10. B

    Carrying equipment...

    I agree, to a point. Record books, scouting reports, previous game stats on opponents, spray and pitching charts. In my back pack carried by me touched by no one but me. The only other thing I carry to the games is a cooler full of bottled water and hand towels. It is the player and thier...
  11. B

    Clean up curse?

    I'd bet a little bit of all of the above. Spurts and slumps are a fact of softball and chasing the hot bats and moving them around the line up seems to throw water on the fire. I'd bet that is the pressure factor coming into play. Moving a player who's crushing the ball in the 6 - 9 spots...
  12. B

    Took on an additional coach.... how would you handle this?

    It's the head coaches call. The only time I'd get my shorts in a knot is if the new guy was teaching the kids to do things in a manner inconsistet with our program. Otherwise, welcome aboard. Now I don't have to carry so much crap to the dugout from the parking lot and maybe I can share out...
  13. B

    ASA 18 Gold Results?

    You are quite the muck raker at times. I hope you list those credentials high on your resume'. :) On the whole premier thing. Doesn't effect me. What ever they think is best for thier programs is good by me. In my area, the stiffest competition is at the ASA tournaments so that's where we...
  14. B

    ASA 18 Gold Results?

    Context. My bad. I'm going to end up with athlete's tongue if I keep shoving my foot in there like that. Is Lotrimin AF safe for oral application? I'll try to refrain from posting again until I get the knot in my shorts untied.
  15. B

    How important is it to make all tryout dates?

    Sounds like you've got things nailed down pretty well. Good luck at your try outs and don't forget to have fun. Hopefully your weather is better. Heat index over 105 all week.
  16. B

    Which rule do you have the biggest problem understanding?

    I find the pitching rules terribly confusing. I thought I understood the stuff about leaping and crow hopping and stuff. I see pitchers all the time that seem to be illegal on every pitch, yet the only illegal pitch I've seen called was on my pitcher when the other teams 3rd base coach started...
  17. B

    ASA 18 Gold Results?

    Yep. California is the awesomness. The rest of the country just sucks. It's sad when the adults involved in youth sports start sounding like teenage boys on video game message board. SoCal p0wns ur face n00bs. You Nubs don't deserve to come to our game. Really? :eyeroll:
  18. B

    How important is it to make all tryout dates?

    Amanda, You stated you played with a girl from one one of the teams and her dad is listed as a contact about tryouts. Use that. Call him up, introduce your self and let him know you played with his daughter where/when and you are looking for a travel team for next summer. Ask about what...
  19. B

    Cutting a player because of parents

    What temp. to you bake them at Amy? For how long? :D
  20. B

    Cutting a player because of parents

    Absoutely. That clown wouldn't have finished the season with me. Might go so far as meeting him at the registration table, pulling him aside and telling him not to bother because 'You and your wife have made your daughter ineligable to play for this team.' Depends on if that or just cutting...

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